might certainly think so, especially after reading the excellent article, above,
and taking into consideration the fact that Andrew
still claims Yuri Nosenko was a true defector.
Which casts equally serious shadows of "paranoiac suspicion" over oh-so-helpful "true defectors" Oleg Kalugin, Vasili Mitrokhin, and Oleg Gordievsky.
Hmm, maybe there
is something to Golitsyn's and Angleton's "Monster Plot," after all.
After all? Well ... KGB-boy Vladimir Putin
did install pro-Kremlin "useful idiot" Donald Trump as our president on January 20, 2017 ...
-- MWT

PS It's important to remember what James Jesus Angleton said during his 1976 Church Committee testimony -- "A double agent will tell you unimportant true things 98% of the time. It's the important lies he tells you 2% of the time that really messes you up, boy."
Or words to that effect.
*After 98 years of "KGB" active measures counterintelligence operations, artfully interwoven with 60 years of "KGB" strategic deception counterintelligence operations.
The latter of which began in 1959 with the KGB's brand-new and super-secret
Department 14 of the Second Chief Directorate's dispatching triple-agent GRU colonel Dimitri Polyakov to the U.S.