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Author Topic: W. Tracy Parnell= Bungling JFK Assassination Theories  (Read 16851 times)

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: W. Tracy Parnell= Bungling JFK Assassination Theories
« Reply #32 on: April 06, 2020, 05:32:02 AM »
It is tough to sit around and let things slide. I will start with...
I notice that am not the only one that fails to digest this one. Tracy's list is so feeble.
Fellow bloggers remark about Parnell.. There were no bloggers that supported Tracy on this one.
Ardent WR defenders are found here and there of course, but they never answer the really tough probing issues--the hows and whys. Mr Parnell creates his own [basically silly] list of conspirators that must have participated in the assassination of JFK if it indeed was a conspiracy.
Jessie Curry? Oh come on! CYA chief of the Dallas Keystoners. See my post on him..,1736.msg44825.html#msg44825  If people would stop and understand the reasons for the cover-up then they would find acceptance that there was a cover-up.
I can accept that there must have been an imposter impersonating Oswald on various occasions. There is just too many instances of it having to happen. We can check the list of Tracy's unlikely conspirators in more future depth because it is presently so shallow.

Even though my research debunked the following, more than four years ago, Jim Hargrove posted this, today.:

Jim Hargrove  Posted 6 hours ago

The FBI Lied, and Lied, and Lied...

This is just the tip of the iceberg.  For example, to see how the FBI fabricated the "evidence" for the rifle that allegedly killed JFK, see this link:
Oswald Did NOT Purchase a Rifle from Kleins -

Okay! Let's see.....

Oswald Did NOT Purchase a Rifle from Kleins
by John Armstrong
...All US Postal Money orders have unique serial numbers. In the fall of 1962, Oswald purchased numerous money orders from the same downtown post office and mailed them to Washington, DC in order to repay a loan from the government for his travel expenses incurred when he returned to the USA from Russia. These money orders were purchased in numerical sequence beginning in November, 1962. These serial numbers show that some 1200 money orders per week were purchased at the downtown post office in Dallas. At this rate we see that Oswald's alleged purchase of a money order on March 12, 1963 should have been numbered 2,202,011,935. But the serial number of the money order published in the Warren Volumes was more than 118,000 numbers higher. At the rate of 1200 money order per week, this money order should have been purchased in late 1964 or early 1965. In other words, this money order could easily have been pulled from a stack of fresh, unsold money orders by a postal official in Dallas, sometime after the assassination, and then given to the FBI. A close look at the details surrounding the "finding" of the money order the day after the assassination strongly suggests that this is what happened. ...

Versus reality I was fortunate enough to just happen to "conjure up" because I never want to believe BS!
From my 2015 research also contained in the full display, but not in the excerpt, below: Pages 4, 5
In the image below, there is an explanation of how Oswald allegedly came to buy the 60th postal
money order of the new serial number series of yellow-tinted, key-punched at the sales counter, postal money orders.:

Observe the date of the burn directive, near top of right (in the full image of the page) column, destroying the newly obsolete postal money orders John Armstrong claimed constituted a sinister serial numbering discrepancy, when in actuality the money order associated with Klein's was of a new serial numbering sequence!
Sorry Brian, Jean, and DVP, Banks Did Not Key-Punch 1963 P.O. Money Orders

Submitted by Admin on Tue, 11/10/2015 - 06:47
Updated November 19, 2015:


Jerry, if you make extraordinary claims and you do not present extraordinarily strong supporting evidence, would you agree you should take care to be accurate? The indifference to accuracy of Jim Hargrove indicates he exhibits cult-like tendencies.
Jerry, I discovered that Edwin Ekdahl and the Air Force Col. Lawrence Orlov aka Orloff, who suggested to George DeM that they take a ride to make introductions to the Oswald couple, are about the same age and grew up less than a mile apart, in Roxbury, MA. Shoild I just declare that they were both part of this "two Oswald" OP? I would love to do that, but I believe in treating readers the same way I want to be treated. Do not blow smoke up my ......

Sorry Brian, Jean, and DVP, Banks Did Not Key-Punch 1963 P.O. Money Orders

Submitted by Admin on Tue, 11/10/2015 - 06:47
Updated November 19, 2015:
........ Page 2


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: W. Tracy Parnell= Bungling JFK Assassination Theories
« Reply #32 on: April 06, 2020, 05:32:02 AM »

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: W. Tracy Parnell= Bungling JFK Assassination Theories
« Reply #33 on: April 07, 2020, 04:16:42 PM »
I do not expect Jerry Freeman has it within himself to do it, but I firmly believe he should (and does owe an apology) apologize to W. Tracey Parnell for his rather severe and unwarranted rebuke of Mr. Parnell and his research.

Consider also,

This is on the front page of .... the front page of John Armstrong's website, as maintained and promoted by Jim Hargrove.

The front page is presenting the featured claims, AKA the "hooks"....

Oswald Never Purchased a Mail Order Rifle
....All monetary instruments deposited to banks or financial institutions (1962-63) were stamped by the bank into which the item was deposited, stamped by a correspondent bank, and stamped by the originating bank or institution when the item was returned. A US Postal Money Order (PMO) purchased in Dallas, TX, and sent to Kleins Sporting Goods in Chicago, would have been date-stamped when deposited to their bank (First National Bank of Chicago). The PMO would have been stamped a second time after passing through a correspondent bank and/or the Federal Reserve System. Finally the PMO would have been stamped a third time when returned to Federal Postal Money Order Center (FPMOC) in Kansas City. But the money order given to the Warren Commission did not have a single bank endorsement stamp and was not found at the FPMOC in Kansas City. .....

Versus what is actually known :
The postal money order attributed to a rifle purchase from Klein's Sporting Goods in Chicago was a new-style, pre-punched, i.e. key-punched at time of sale, supported by what is available near the bottom of this page.:

Older design, Postal money orders sold in the Dallas postal region before January, 1963, were processed (key-punched) manually through a contract with regional Federal Reserve Banks, costing the Post Office $650,000 annually. The FRB key-punch operators read the face amount of each postal money order and then manually key-punched holes into the money order, representing in machine code, the face amounts in dollars and cents displayed on each money order, formatted as a computer data card. The roll-out of the new style, Klein's postal money order was gradual, the Dallas region first selling them in January, 1963.



The mere presence of key-punched holes, representing in machine code the unique dollars and cents, on any one of these older style, blue colored postal money orders, of the same type Oswald had purchased in fall, 1962 to pay off his debt to the U.S. Dept. of State, in and of itself constituted proof these older style postal money orders had indeed been processed at a regional Federal Reserve Bank.

As Hargrove himself represents here, using my research, the Klein's postal money order was of a new type, dollars and cents key-punched at the post office counter, at point of sale, and not manually, by an regional FRB key-punch operator! See lower page.:

More of my research, dispelling the Armstrong claimed "problem" of the Klein's postal money order not located at the then obsolete and slated to soon be cloased, Kansas City, postal money order center!

Sorry Brian, Jean, and DVP, Banks Did Not Key-Punch 1963 P.O. Money Orders
Submitted by Admin on Tue, 11/10/2015 - 06:47
Updated November 19, 2015:
......  Page 2


So, why is there such confidence, especially as exhibited by Jerry Freeman in this thread's OP, in the claims of John Armstrong, considering these departures from verifiable facts, versus no confidence in the research and analysis of W. Tracey Parnell? How much of the interest and confidence in the research and the claims of John Armstrong is about Armstrong telling those he attracts what they already want to hear?

Jim Hargrove, two days ago, encouraged Ed Forum readers to visit this link, presumably to become better informed about the Klein's rifle purchase?
Jim Hargrove  Posted 6 hours ago

The FBI Lied, and Lied, and Lied...
This is just the tip of the iceberg.  For example, to see how the FBI fabricated the "evidence" for the rifle that allegedly killed JFK, see this link:
Oswald Did NOT Purchase a Rifle from Kleins -

John Armstrong has had at least 23 years to get all of his presentations fleshed out accurately, but consider another example of how he comes up short, inaccurate, or downright misleading.:

Jim Hargrove pitched this link, just two days ago....obviously he is confident its contents are ready for primetime, but, in addition to the postal money orders inaccuracies and misrepresentations, please consider.:


MAIL ORDER RIFLE. According to the Warren Commission Lee HARVEY Oswald left his job at Jaggers-Chiles-Stovall during the morning of March 12, walked 11 blocks to the downtown post office, purchased a postal money order, and then mailed his order for the rifle to Klein's Sporting Goods in Chicago before returning to work. But the letter was postmarked 10:30 am, and company time records show that Oswald never left his job. He worked continuously from 8:00 am through 12:15 pm on 9 different printing jobs.

The Warren Commission never pointed out that the envelope, time stamped 10:30 am, was not mailed from the downtown post office where the money order was purchased. It was stamped and mailed in "zone 12," which was several miles west of the downtown post office and across the Trinity River. In order for this letter to have reached Chicago the following day, it would have to have been picked up by a mail carrier sometime after 10:30 am, delivered to the Industrial Station post office in zone 7, and then sorted and bagged into an airmail pouch. And the airmail pouch would have to have been delivered by another mail carrier to Love field and then placed aboard an aircraft prior to it's 12 o'clock noon departure.

If we are to believe the Warren Commission, then we believe that Oswald skipped work for an undetermined period of time on the morning of March 12, walked 11 blocks to the post office, purchased a postal money order, traveled several miles across the Trinity River in order to mail the letter, and then returned to his job unnoticed. .....

It is much more likely the number "12" does not denote a "zone," a physical location in Dallas, but instead represents the number of a specific franking machine at the central Dallas postal sorting center!

The Postmark On CE773
David Von Pein posted a topic in JFK Assassination Debate

...I’ve been told by a group of postmark collectors and historians (in the USA) that the number ‘12’ which appears on thefranking/cancellation mark does not indicate where the item was posted. It merely indicates that the letter was franked through the number 12 machine at the processing plant, which...
 July 24, 2012

IRVING SPORTS SHOP. The day after the assassination (SaPersonay afternoon-11/23/63) gunsmith Dial Ryder found an undated repair ticket on his workbench at the Irving Sports Shop. The repair ticket had notations "drill and tap $4.50; bore sight $1.50; total $6.00" (work required to mount a scope). The name "Oswald" appeared on the ticket, but the ticket was undated and had neither a complete name nor an address nor a phone number. Ryder told the WC that he did not mention the repair ticket to anyone that weekend.

At 10:30 AM on Monday, November 25, FBI agent Emory Horton contacted and interviewed Ryder at his home in Irving, TX. It has never been determined how the FBI knew to send agent Horton to visit Ryder. Horton showed Ryder photographs of C2766 and photographs of Oswald. Horton asked Ryder if he knew Oswald or remembered working on this rifle. Ryder told agent Horton that he did not remember Oswald and he definitely had never worked on an Italian rifle. Ryder told the agent that he had a repair ticket with the name "Oswald" and notations for drilling, tapping, and boresighting. To the best of his memory, Ryder said this work had been performed between November 1 and November 15 at the Irving Sports Shop, but not on an Italian rifle......

Unfortunately, neither the FBI or John Armstrong discovered that Dial Ryder's sister, Fleta had married back to back felons who were actually partners in crime, or that Dial Ryder's nephew was the son of one of those two felons!

Good question.

For those interested in discussing this event and in trying to figure out what happened (as best as we can) - specifically about whether he went to Mexico City - it's the type of question they would welcome.

When people discuss historic events, whether controversial ones like the assassination or others, they look at the event from all sort of angles and perspectives. As in: if we're not sure about what did happen we ask about alternative explanations for what did. Then we weigh them, consider what is more or less likely.

But you'll see that the posters who say they're "undecided" on this - they're not a lone assassin adherent or, they claim, a conspiracy believer - will dismiss these types of questions. If they're not being simple-minded Oswald defenders I'm not sure why they do this.

So we have evidence he went to Mexico City. What evidence do we have that he was elsewhere over this period? What is the alternative explanation for him having, for example, the Cuban secretary's (Silvia Duran's) phone number in his address book?

Mr. Galbraith, I have additional "good questions" for you and your "brain trust" over at the .alt newsgroup, but lack the patience to immerse myself in the non-denial, denial, or outright denial.

What do you make of this... I discovered and documented Grossi / Bowen informing author Epstein that Oswald brought his MC rifle to their place of employment and that James H Martin had an interestingly similar criminal background as Grossi / Bowen with the US Navy at approx. the same time, both were car thieves, and Martin claimed the government had run his background and "propositioned him" into taking Marina and her two girls into his home. Not the stuff of lone nuttery!
FBI - HSCA Subject File: James Herbert Martin/

Anybody want to attempt to explain why Fleda Ryder Bowen Mantooth's brother, Dial Ryder, and her former husband Jack Bowen, father of their son, wanted the public to believe Oswald just happened to present "his rifle" to both of them? Doesn't seem to fit the "lone nut" narrative, but more like conspiring of a felon or two, to plant or to cement a narrative? ....

Edward Jay Epstein never seemed to discover Dial Ryder's nephew was the son of Jack Bowen or that Bowen was later arrested while representing he was Mantooth!

Link: Page 209

« Last Edit: April 07, 2020, 04:30:52 PM by Tom Scully »

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: W. Tracy Parnell= Bungling JFK Assassination Theories
« Reply #34 on: April 07, 2020, 04:24:52 PM »
Not really. I have worked with CTs such as Greg Parker in order to pursue a mutual interest in debunking the nonsensical H&L assertions. Parker is aware of my LN views and does not endorse such and vice versa. Kamp has disagreed with my recent criticism of John Newman regarding the Veciana allegations. And DiEugenio has never agreed with me on anything to my knowledge.
Tracy, you don't need me (or anyone else for that matter) to defend you but your work stands on its own. You document everything you claim or conclude, you have original or primary sources, and you lay it all out. People can consider it or reject it. Rightly so.

If these conspiracy believers truly want the "truth" out as they claim they should congratulate you and not criticize you. You've shown to me that the "two Oswalds" theory is groundless and that Veciana's allegations are also without merit. Others can reject that, of course; but they have to refute your evidence. And they can't.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: W. Tracy Parnell= Bungling JFK Assassination Theories
« Reply #34 on: April 07, 2020, 04:24:52 PM »

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: W. Tracy Parnell= Bungling JFK Assassination Theories
« Reply #35 on: April 07, 2020, 05:06:33 PM »
Tracy, you don't need me (or anyone else for that matter) to defend you but your work stands on its own. You document everything you claim or conclude, you have original or primary sources, and you lay it all out. People can consider it or reject it. Rightly so.

If these conspiracy believers truly want the "truth" out as they claim they should congratulate you and not criticize you. You've shown to me that the "two Oswalds" theory is groundless and that Veciana's allegations are also without merit. Others can reject that, of course; but they have to refute your evidence. And they can't.

Steve and Tracy, I hope you both accept I am trying to set the record(s) straight and do not wear a team jersey. Are either of you willing to meet me half-way?

Are either of you willing to at least concede that the Dial Ryder, Jack Bowen "record" rises to the level of a troubling concern, especially if the FBI was aware of much of what I posted above, as is RD Matthews's aunt, his mother's sister, Adelaide Senter Germany also happening to be the aunt of Mary Germany Bledsoe, as well as the following two, unrelated oddities?



....and, of course, this?

Sure, Steve, you are curious, but about the "weightier" issues? IOW, are you too involved in convincing readers of the certainty of Oswald's Lone Nuttery? I try not to concern myself of the degree of his culpability or of John Armstrong's, Jim DiEugenio's, or Joan Mellen's, et al, accuracy, but try to travel wherever the road (research details) take me. I step on toes, I dig up enough to motivate me to buy new shovels.

Are the gullibilty of many CTs and of the authors they read, actually a greater detriment to enhancing the accuracy and depth of the historical record, than "McAdams level" tunnel vision, rigidity?

September 2016 - Don's › 2016/09
Sep 7, 2016 - Steve M. Galbraith wrote in with a comment back a few months ago and it was never forwarded directly to me. My apologies, Steve! Actually ..

Unredacted Episode 1: Transcript of Interview with Joan Mellen
Joan Mellen is the author of A Farewell to Justice: Jim Garrison, JFK’s Assassination, and the Case That Should Have Changed History. This interview was conducted on 22 Feb 2006. Tyler Weaver provided the introduction, and the interview was conducted by Rex Bradford.
REX: I – I think –

JOAN: – when Baldwin was present, he was a CIA asset, his brother worked for the International Trade Mart and Clay Shaw, David Baldwin, and these, these are CIA people….

Using only internet resources and in the course of a couple of weeks of part time research I shared in comments on this website, (see- )
I found these details, not published or mentioned, ever, by Joan Mellen.

In the course of attempting to determine if my new fact checked research details were actually original, I found identical details, by author of a biography of Clay Shaw,
Donald H Carpenter.


« Last Edit: April 07, 2020, 05:11:13 PM by Tom Scully »

Offline Gerry Down

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Re: W. Tracy Parnell= Bungling JFK Assassination Theories
« Reply #36 on: April 11, 2020, 12:38:26 AM »
I believe police officers Westbrook and Croy were involved in something quite underhanded.

Why because of the whole wallet thing? I'd say that was Tippits wallet.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: W. Tracy Parnell= Bungling JFK Assassination Theories
« Reply #36 on: April 11, 2020, 12:38:26 AM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: W. Tracy Parnell= Bungling JFK Assassination Theories
« Reply #37 on: April 14, 2020, 01:11:01 AM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: W. Tracy Parnell= Bungling JFK Assassination Theories
« Reply #38 on: April 20, 2020, 03:12:59 AM »
Why because of the whole wallet thing? I'd say that was Tippits wallet.
But that is just a guess huh?
No...I believe police officers Westbrook and Croy were involved in something quite underhanded because they very poorly accounted for their actions during the afternoon and there was no corroboration for Westbrook's ridiculous tale.....,1022.msg44426.html#msg44426

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: W. Tracy Parnell= Bungling JFK Assassination Theories
« Reply #39 on: April 22, 2020, 05:10:56 PM »
I've been researching Gordon Sutherland Campbell for the past ten years.... What do you want to know about Campbell, that does not result in less questions, but even more, instead?

I read this, dated in 2007, for the first time yesterday. It strikes me as unhinged, as far as the level of suspicion. How and why could or would the CIA "change the guy" living on a yacht in a rather small and obvious place, due to his sudden death in September, 1962, or in the alternative, "fake" his death through publicizing it, yet keep him on, in a hyper important operational role linked to assassinating both Kennedy brothers over a six year span following his announced, 1962 "death"?

W. Tracy Parnell -Posted May 27, 2019
I'm interested in the opinions of the members here regarding Ayers' credibility. The theory of the 3 CIA men at the RFK assassination as postulated by Shane O'Sullivan seems to have been debunked. This theory relied in part on the identification of the men by Ayers (and a couple others) as Joannides, Morales and Campbell. O'Sullivan (who started all of this) himself later identified two of the men as Bulova watch executives who were attending a conference. And Campbell evidently died in 1962, so not only could he not have been at the Ambassador Hotel, but Ayers could not have met him in 1963 as he claims.

So, where are the members on this situation today? Does anyone here still believe the "3 CIA men at the Ambassador" theory? Did Ayers simply make up his Gordon Campbell remembrances? Is it possible someone else at JMWAVE used Campbell's name when working with Ayers and if so who? Ayers says Campbell was deputy COS but according to Morley he was not. But who was? How about Ayers' theory that Goldwater killed JFK?

  On 5/27/2019 at 1:16 PM, Larry Hancock said:
At this point about the only thing I find useful in Ayers work are his descriptions of personnel interactions at WAVE related to his training assignment - including his description of Morales. In addition the more we are able to actually compare WAVE operational documents of the period in which he was assigned the more some of his descriptions of his own training of Cuban volunteers becomes questionable as well.  By the summer of 1963 WAVE was running so few missions that they had even laid off or detached many of the extensively trained and experienced paramilitary Cuban's that had been used in operations following the Bay of Pigs...and it would not be until Fall that JFK approved new sabotage missions. Bottom line is that I just don't find Ayers useful in the way I once hoped, even though I do have an autographed edition of his first book...sigh.

W. Tracy Parnell - Posted May 27, 2019
Thanks for the reply Larry and I agree that Ayers' recollections are suspect at this point. However, I am at a loss to explain his detailed descriptions of Campbell or the man he thought was Campbell. It is difficult to believe he made all of this up although it is certainly possible since he apparently needed money at different times in his life and admits to living out of his car at one point. I wonder if it is possible that his case officer might have used the recently deceased Campbell's name to deal with Ayers (under the "need to know" theory) since he was Army and not a CIA employee. BTW, any idea on who the deputy COS might be? The only references I can find on this state that Campbell was but Morley says (without attribution) that Campbell was not deputy COS.

And, what can we make of this?

This is "the son" also an army officer. Brad Ayers describes Campbell during his initial encounter as blonde, blue eyed, approx. age 40.
Campbell's 1942 military draft card indicates was blonde, blue eyed and born in 1905. "The son" was 31 in 1961, Campbell was 56, and his wife, Gertrude, who Ayers claimed he met, was 53 in 1962. So, we have these age contradictions to sort out, vs Ayers's recollections.

Unrelated Bulova Watch Co. executive, or..."Blonde", blue eyed, "Campbell"?, allegedly at Ambassador Hotel, June, 1968, six years after his death:

Update: Brad Ayers described Gordon Campbell as blonde, his 1942 draft card (back side of doc) describes brown hair color, and a "middle" wife...

Who is "the son's" father? The mother was Edna Ingobarr Hill, according to the 1933 Florida marriage record, two years after "the son's" birth year.

Edna seems to have died because Carn Reid is described as widower in subsequent marriage record....
FUNERAL NOTICES LT. COL. CARN R. REID (Ret) age 83, born In Philadelphia, Pa. November 5, 1911, schooled In Amerest, Mass. and University of Pa. as a Landscape Architect. Came to Florida in the mid 30's and worked for the Boynton Landscape Co. in Palm Beach. Landscaped master planning for Bessmer Properties In Miami. During World War D, he fought In New Guinea as an Engineer officer attached to the 41st Infantry Division in the jungles in the Pacific. He was recalled when the Korean War broke out. Served four yean In Japan as a Post Engineer in the metropolitan area of Tokyo. Also four years In France with J.C.A. (Joint Construction Agency). Retired from the Army Sept. 36, 1962 and came to Boynton Beach where he had lived 32 years. Went back to work for Boynton Landscape Co. His first project was the master planning of the Royal Palm Plaza in Boca Raton. Projects also included Quail Ridge, Piper's Landing In Stuart, and Wellington as well as many private homes In Jupiter Island and Village of Golf. In 1975 he was president of the Palm Beach Area Chapter of the Retired Officers Association and past President of the S.E. Chapter of 41st Infantry Div. 1991-1994. He was chairman of Its National Convention in 1993 in Orlando. He had also served as a chairman of the Community Appearance Board in Boynton Beach for more than 10 years. He is survived by his wife, Nina; two sons who served in Vietnam and four grandchildren. Visitation will be today April 14, 1995 from 2-4 and 6-8 with a prayer service at 7 p.m. at the SCOBEE-IRELAND-POTTER FUNERAL HOME. Funeral Services 10:30 a.m. SaPersonay, April 15, 1995 at St. Herman's Orthodox Church, Lake Worth. ...
« Last Edit: April 22, 2020, 06:30:38 PM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: W. Tracy Parnell= Bungling JFK Assassination Theories
« Reply #39 on: April 22, 2020, 05:10:56 PM »