Great. Then you have proved my point. And to take this to the logical extreme, if the bag had contained "forensic evidence of ever holding the TSBD Carcano" (whatever that might be) you would claim that was planted as well. And on and on and on down the yellow brick road. Any evidence of Oswald's guilt is dismissed as fake. So there is no evidence of Oswald's guilt. Catch 22 of CTer logic.
The more evidence of Oswald's guilt is, for the conspiracy advocates, more evidence of his innocence. Why? Because it's faked and, thus, evidence of a conspiracy.
When Garrison said that you have to think that "Up is down and down is up" he was revealing how conspiracists look at this event. A thousand pieces of evidence that Oswald shot JFK is, for them, a thousand pieces of evidence that he didn't.