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Author Topic: CBS News Inquiry 1967 - Warren Report (Dan Rather carries a rifle package)  (Read 19909 times)

Online Richard Smith

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LOL.  Yes, just a couple of good old boys who didn't have access to a radio, TV or newspaper reporting the most important news event of that week.  Had no clue the president was coming.  And I suppose no one at work discussed the fact all week that the president's motorcade was coming right by their building.  Ruth Paine even confirms that she mentioned the president's visit to Oswald.  I'm sure that is a lie to frame Oswald.  Old Lee was just Mr. Magoo that day.  Frazier even says in one of these interviews that he is the person who approaches Truly with a request that the employees be allowed to watch the motorcade after lunch.  He is suddenly ablaze with interest at that point!  But maybe, perhaps, possibly, it can't be proved otherwise he lived in a cave that week and didn't have a clue.  He just stepped out front to get a tan and the motorcade happened to drive by at that moment.  Imagine his Gomer Pyle-like surprise.  Shazam!

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Offline John Mytton

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LOL.  Yes, just a couple of good old boys who didn't have access to a radio, TV or newspaper reporting the most important news event of that week.  Had no clue the president was coming.  And I suppose no one at work discussed the fact all week that the president's motorcade was coming right by their building.  Ruth Paine even confirms that she mentioned the president's visit to Oswald.  I'm sure that is a lie to frame Oswald.  Old Lee was just Mr. Magoo that day.  Frazier even says in one of these interviews that he is the person who approaches Truly with a request that the employees be allowed to watch the motorcade after lunch.  He is suddenly ablaze with interest at that point!  But maybe, perhaps, possibly, it can't be proved otherwise he lived in a cave that week and didn't have a clue.  He just stepped out front to get a tan and the motorcade happened to drive by at that moment.  Imagine his Gomer Pyle-like surprise.  Shazam!



Offline Bill Chapman

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"Curtain rods"...what happened to the curtain rods. If Oswald claimed he had curtain rods in the bag, where they ever found. Obviously not. Because it was a lie to cover up the fact that the bag contained the MC. And he carried it cupped low in his hand in close contact with his body. Entirely consistent with carrying a rifle.

Obviously taking the MC into the TSBD does not prove Oswald was the shooter but Oswald owned an MC, he carried a long paper bag containing an item that could have feasible been an MC. The MC Oswald owned was later found on the 6th floor of the TSBD.

This is not Sherlock Holmes territory. Obviously not every single statement in any murder case can be 100% verified. This is one of those that are 95% factual. Way beyond reasonable doubt.

No one can prove Oswald owned the Carcano unless one can produce a Bill of Sale from Alec Hidell* (rhymes with 'Fidel')

*He, O.H. Lee, and Oswald (AKA 'Dirty Harvey' thanks to yours truly) formed a 3-entity conspiracy:
1) Hidell was in charge of weapon procurement
2) O.H. Lee was in charge of safe-house procurement
3) Oswald was in charge becoming a somebody

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Offline Bill Chapman

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Frazier said in his 2002 Gary Mack interview that he didn't bring a camera that day because he didn't own one, but also noted that he didn't know that the motorcade was going to pass by the building.  There's no reason to assume that Oswald did either.

Yeah, there is.

Offline John Iacoletti

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Yeah, there is.

Only in your world of circular arguments.

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Offline John Iacoletti

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LOL.  Yes, just a couple of good old boys who didn't have access to a radio, TV or newspaper reporting the most important news event of that week.  Had no clue the president was coming.  And I suppose no one at work discussed the fact all week that the president's motorcade was coming right by their building.

Your appeal to personal incredulity is yet another logical fallacy.

  Ruth Paine even confirms that she mentioned the president's visit to Oswald.

Mrs. PAINE - I was turned part way toward the door. He was coming in, having just entered the door and in front of this loud speaker to which I refer.
Mr. JENNER - What was the loud speaker?
Mrs. PAINE - The loud speaker is part of the Hi-Fi set. It stands--it is a big thing.
Mr. JENNER - Did something occur at that moment?
Mrs. PAINE - And it was at that time that I said to him "Our President is coming to town. "I believe I said it in Russian, our President is coming to town in Russian.
Mr. JENNER - And you gave us his response yesterday but. you might do it again.
Mrs. PAINE - He said "Uh, yeah" and brushed on by me, walked on past.

I guess the part about "driving right by your building" got lost in the translation from Russian.   ::)

Frazier even says in one of these interviews that he is the person who approaches Truly with a request that the employees be allowed to watch the motorcade after lunch.

Really?  Which one?  And this somehow tells you that he knew the motorcade would go down Elm Street prior to arriving at work?  And that he and Lee discussed it?

  He is suddenly ablaze with interest at that point!  But maybe, perhaps, possibly, it can't be proved otherwise he lived in a cave that week and didn't have a clue.

So, your assumption is automatically correct until somebody proves you wrong.  How typical.

Offline John Iacoletti

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No one can prove Oswald owned the Carcano unless one can produce a Bill of Sale from Alec Hidell* (rhymes with 'Fidel')

Never heard of him.  Or of any "bill of sale" in that name.

Offline Bill Chapman

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Only in your world of circular arguments.

So far, Oswald seems to be the only one qualified to be surrounded, closed in, shut in, fenced in, walled in, hemmed in, locked in, cut off, confined.

Or otherwise encircled (if you will).
« Last Edit: June 01, 2019, 08:47:28 PM by Bill Chapman »

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