There is nothing to connect this particular envelope to any particular Klein's order, other than they were photographed together. Even less so for the money order found in Virginia.
I'm not hiding anything. The thing you're trying to prove is that Oswald ordered a particular weapon. This envelope and this money order tell you nothing of the kind. Sorry.
There is nothing to connect this particular envelope to any particular Klein's order, other than they were photographed together.
This just gets more ridiculous by the day. Do you really believe any of the increasingly desperate nonsense that you spew everyday?
It couldn't be more clear that as part of Kleins record keeping that both coupon and envelope were photographed together.
1. They both have the name A Hidell.
2. They both have the same return address
2. The both have writing attributed to Lee Harvey Oswald.
4. The envelope references Dept 358
5. The coupon references C20-T750, corresponding to an Italian Carcano on the Dept 358 Kleins ad.
6. The amount of $19.95 corresponds to the price for C20-T750 on Dept 358.
Even less so for the money order found in Virginia.
The amount of the money order which was written by Oswald and received by Kliens is dated the same as the money order and the amount is the total of Oswald's rifle + postage.

I'm not hiding anything.
We have a Kleins record that was "photographed together" and without a piece of supporting evidence, you think that you have the right to seperate them. LOL!
The thing you're trying to prove is that Oswald ordered a particular weapon. This envelope and this money order tell you nothing of the kind. Sorry.
You can be sorry all you like but Oswald ordered C20-T750 and Kleins sent Oswald C20-T750.
If Oswald is as innocent as you imply then why all the deception and lies?JohnM