Wow this is absolutely unbelievable, why are you so obsessed to free a double murderer?
You have literally thrown everybody in this case who provides evidence against Oswald under a bus and when the physical evidence disagrees you allude to that being faked or not reliable or something equally stupid.
Btw Iacoletti when are you going to solve this case because devoting your life to proving Oswald's innocence is meaningless in a Forum which doesn't have Oswald's name in the title. Doh!
Wow this is absolutely unbelievable, why are you so obsessed to free a double murderer?There it is again... when a LN gets stuck, he attacks the other guy. It's truly pathetic; "See it the way I do, or you are trying to free a double murderer"! Btw, wait for Mytton's denial that he got stuck... 3,2,1. Go!
You have literally thrown everybody in this case who provides evidence against Oswald under a bus and the attack continues.... questioning the authenticity or validity of evidence equals to throwing somebody under a bus.... Typical LN dramatics!
and when the physical evidence disagrees you allude to that being faked or not reliable or something equally stupid.Physical evidence being not reliable can be a real issue for reasonable people.... For an LN, not so much!
Btw Iacoletti when are you going to solve this case because devoting your life to proving Oswald's innocence is meaningless in a Forum which doesn't have Oswald's name in the title. Doh! More Mytton crap. To question the evidence and the WC bible is to a fanatic like Mytton the same as trying to prove Oswald's innocence.