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Author Topic: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?  (Read 189868 times)

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #752 on: September 04, 2022, 04:02:31 PM »
From the DVP blog---- A researcher question......
How do you explain that the DPD/FBI found no oil or instruments to clean a rifle at either Oak Cliff or Irving?

It proves nothing. That's nothing more than another one of the many, many very weak "chaff" arguments that have been dredged up by conspiracy theorists since 1963.
There's no rule in the *"Assassin's Guidebook"* that demands Oswald have oil or cleaning implements at his home(s) to use on his weapons.
From the Warren hearings......
Mr. RANKIN. Did you ever see him clean the rifle?
Mrs. OSWALD. Yes. I said before I had never seen it before. But I think you understand. I want to help you, and that is why there is no reason for concealing anything. I will not be charged with anything.
Mr. GOPADZE. She says she was not sworn in before. But now inasmuch as she is sworn in, she is going to tell the truth. ::)
Mr. RANKIN. Did you see him clean the rifle a number of times?
Mrs. OSWALD. Yes.
Mr. RANKIN. Could you help us by giving some estimate of the times as you remember it?
Mrs. OSWALD. About four times---about four or five times, I think.
Mr. RANKIN. Did your husband ever tell you why he was cleaning the--that is, that he had been using it and needed to be cleaned after use?
Mrs. OSWALD. No, I did not ask him, because I thought it was quite normal that when you have a rifle you must clean it from time to time.
Then from the HSCA hearings....a more diligent, virtuous swabbing---
Mr. McDONALD. Do you recall seeing him taking it out frequently from wherever he kept it, either to handle it or to clean it, to look at it, do whatever?
Mrs. PORTER. Yes, I did see him cleaning the rifle. That is true.
Mr. McDONALD. How often?
Mrs. PORTER. Maybe once a week.
*"The Assassin's Guidebook"*  :D

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #752 on: September 04, 2022, 04:02:31 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #753 on: September 04, 2022, 05:21:45 PM »
If gun oil was found among Oswald's possessions, Skeptic-Tank would be saying it was a necessary "plant" to tie Lil'Lee to the Carcano.

You don't have to clean a weapon that's not used all the time, nor do you need specific "gun oil" products. The gun magazines and stores pushed such products because they knew gun nuts would spent whatever it took so they could use it to lovingly caress their loved one. They could especially fool American NRAers who had lots of money and weren't all that educated.

lovingly caress their loved one.

You're a weirdo, Mr Organ.   

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #754 on: September 04, 2022, 11:37:23 PM »

You're a weirdo, Mr Organ.   
Predictable....always out to push his political agenda   :-\
Meanwhile ignoring the focus = Oswald 'lovingly?' cleaned his [alleged] rifle every week--- Marina so invented testified.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #754 on: September 04, 2022, 11:37:23 PM »

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #755 on: September 08, 2022, 07:10:46 PM »
I'm open to any conspiracy but you're gonna have to come up with some sort of alternate narrative otherwise the WC conclusion is the only logical conclusion that fits the evidence, and let's be honest there are few if any murders in history that have accumulated a literal mountain of evidence with thousands of exhibits and hundreds of eyewitnesses which can only lead to one man, Lee Harvey Oswald.


When taken at face value, any credible evidence regarding who was on the 6th floor just before, during and after the assassination, excludes Oswald - that's a fact.
The WC/LN narrative of Oswald hiding out in the SN and rushing downstairs after the assassination is blown out of the water by various witness statements, most damaging being Arnold Rowland's observation of a man with a rifle on the 6th floor 15 minutes before the motorcade arrived.

Once the evidence is accepted it becomes clear Oswald did not take the shots from the TSBD building.
Once this is accepted it becomes clear Oswald was framed for that crime.
By far and away, the most important piece of evidence that ties Oswald to the assassination is the rifle found on the 6th floor.
The best way to frame Oswald is to leave this rifle on the 6th floor. In this scenario, it was not Oswald who left the rifle on the 6th floor.

An alternative narrative would involve someone who had authority over Oswald, could get their hands on "Oswald's rifle" and who had access to the TSBD building at a time when no other employees were present. An alternate narrative would involve people on the ground doing the dirty work but there would be an "invisible thread" leading directly to those who might have a genuine motive for JFK's death.
An alternative narrative would explain the intensely suspicious fact that nearly every single man who worked on the 6th floor that day lied in their various statements to law enforcement officials.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #756 on: September 08, 2022, 08:13:17 PM »
When taken at face value, any credible evidence regarding who was on the 6th floor just before, during and after the assassination, excludes Oswald - that's a fact.
The WC/LN narrative of Oswald hiding out in the SN and rushing downstairs after the assassination is blown out of the water by various witness statements, most damaging being Arnold Rowland's observation of a man with a rifle on the 6th floor 15 minutes before the motorcade arrived.

Once the evidence is accepted it becomes clear Oswald did not take the shots from the TSBD building.
Once this is accepted it becomes clear Oswald was framed for that crime.
By far and away, the most important piece of evidence that ties Oswald to the assassination is the rifle found on the 6th floor.
The best way to frame Oswald is to leave this rifle on the 6th floor. In this scenario, it was not Oswald who left the rifle on the 6th floor.

An alternative narrative would involve someone who had authority over Oswald, could get their hands on "Oswald's rifle" and who had access to the TSBD building at a time when no other employees were present. An alternate narrative would involve people on the ground doing the dirty work but there would be an "invisible thread" leading directly to those who might have a genuine motive for JFK's death.
An alternative narrative would explain the intensely suspicious fact that nearly every single man who worked on the 6th floor that day lied in their various statements to law enforcement officials.

An alternative narrative would involve someone who had authority over Oswald, could get their hands on "Oswald's rifle" and who had access to the TSBD building at a time when no other employees were present.

Sounds like  Roy Truly....   And what did Lee tell Captain Fritz?.....

Lee said that he'd seen the rifle in the possession of Roy Truly on Wednesday Nov 20 in the TSBD.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #756 on: September 08, 2022, 08:13:17 PM »

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #757 on: September 11, 2022, 12:22:54 AM »
The Pre-planted rifle theory:
An MC rifle that had a paper trail created to make it appear Oswald mail ordered the rifle was well hidden on the 6th floor TSBD Late Thursday night or early Friday morning by wedging the rifle inside the 4” open space of a pallet stacked full of boxes and surrounded by walls of boxes resting directly on the floor next to the pallet.

Add the Escape by East Elevator theory:

The reason the 6th floor TSBD shooter did not use the MC rifle was to save time. By preplanting the MC rifle , the shooter ran carrying his own special type rifle with him immediately upon completion of shots fired, to the East elevator boarding it as quickly as 25 secs post shots.

An accomplice who had been holding the East elevator locked on the 6th floor , operated the elevator to carry the shooter( w/rifle  now folded under his coat) to the 2nd floor landing by 50 sec post shots.

The shooter exited from the East elevator into the 2nd floor storage room immediately adjacent to the east elevator shaft. From there he had option to temporarily hide his rifle and check out if was clear to continue by foot down the staircase to the 1st floor and exit via an open roll up door into the annex bldg, and ultimately exit via a west side door to the outside of TSBD.

The accomplice, at 50 sec post shots returned the east elevator to the 5th floor by 70 sec post shots where it was locked and stationary when Roy Truly locked up the shaft and shouted .

The accomplice, who heard Truly shouting may have then moved to the West elevator to take it down to the 1st floor as Baker and Truly started ascending the staircases.

Note: by using the East elevator the shooter was able to by pass Mrs Garner on the 4th floor unseen. The east elevator stopped on the 2nd floor landing just seconds AFTER Adams and Styles had started down the last staircase from 2nd to 1st floor.  Thus there was no LOS for A&S to the east elevator shaft from the point of beginning their descent (at 50 sec post shots ) down the last staircase.

Offline Michael T. Griffith

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Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #758 on: October 30, 2022, 01:18:00 PM »
Oswald's rifle was discovered on the 6th floor, how did it get there?

Is this intended as a serious question? I take it you are unaware of the new evidence regarding Oswald's whereabouts during the shooting? Most of it is summarized very well in Oliver Stone's new documentary JFK Revisited.

Here's an exhaustive review of this new evidence:

Here's a question for you: Why is the rifle that Lt. Day was photographed carrying out of the TSBD obviously different from the rifle seen in the backyard rifle photos? In the backyard photos rifle, the strap is attached to the heel of the stock, but the rifle that Day carried out of the TSBD has a strap ring in the stock and the strap is attached in the stock. What gives?

Here's another question: Why is the wedding ring of the figure in the backyard rifle photos on the left hand in one picture but on the right hand in another? Are we supposed to believe that some reason the figure decided to take off his wedding ring and put it on the other hand in between the photos?

Offline Michael T. Griffith

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Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #759 on: October 30, 2022, 07:41:28 PM »
Griffith's an Alt-Right MAGA apologist who wanders in here after he gets tired of the beatings he suffers at the "other" Forum.

I've corrected you on this before, but you just keep lying about it. I'm neither "Alt-Right" nor a Trump apologist. I've defended many of Trump's policies but have strongly criticized his conduct and have publicly declared many times that I hope he doesn't run again.

And, pray tell, in what other forum do I allegedly suffer "beatings"? The only other JFK forum I post in is the Education Forum's JFK Assassination Debate forum, which is dominated by WC critics with whom I agree the vast majority of the time on all matters pertaining to JFK's death. You're just making up stuff again.

I don't know where they get this stuff. Do you? The heel-end of the strap is attached in different places on the rifle?

Go watch the segment on this in JFK Revisited and look at the high-quality enlargements. Denying the problem won't make it go away.

Answered over a year ago: ( Link )

And Galbraith's answer is still nonsense. He's using a poor version of 133-A, which shows the worst view of the ring on the right hand (if it shows the ring at all), as the comparison to 133-C to try to fool people into believing there were two rings. But if you look at 133-B, which shows a much clearer view of the ring on the right hand, you can see that it's the same ring as the ring on the left hand in 133-C. Just go watch the segment on this in JFK Revisited.

It's interesting to note that the HSCA's Photographic Evidence Panel (PEP) did not attempt to address this issue, even though Jack White and others had raised it. The PEP answered every other argument that White made about the backyard photos, but they oddly said nothing about this one.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2022, 08:14:40 PM by Michael T. Griffith »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #759 on: October 30, 2022, 07:41:28 PM »