I'm open to any conspiracy but you're gonna have to come up with some sort of alternate narrative otherwise the WC conclusion is the only logical conclusion that fits the evidence, and let's be honest there are few if any murders in history that have accumulated a literal mountain of evidence with thousands of exhibits and hundreds of eyewitnesses which can only lead to one man, Lee Harvey Oswald.
When taken at face value, any credible evidence regarding who was on the 6th floor just before, during and after the assassination, excludes Oswald - that's a fact.
The WC/LN narrative of Oswald hiding out in the SN and rushing downstairs after the assassination is blown out of the water by various witness statements, most damaging being Arnold Rowland's observation of a man with a rifle on the 6th floor 15 minutes before the motorcade arrived.
Once the evidence is accepted it becomes clear Oswald did not take the shots from the TSBD building.
Once this is accepted it becomes clear Oswald was framed for that crime.
By far and away, the most important piece of evidence that ties Oswald to the assassination is the rifle found on the 6th floor.
The best way to frame Oswald is to leave this rifle on the 6th floor. In this scenario, it was not Oswald who left the rifle on the 6th floor.
An alternative narrative would involve someone who had authority over Oswald, could get their hands on "Oswald's rifle" and who had access to the TSBD building at a time when no other employees were present. An alternate narrative would involve people on the ground doing the dirty work but there would be an "invisible thread" leading directly to those who might have a genuine motive for JFK's death.
An alternative narrative would explain the intensely suspicious fact that nearly every single man who worked on the 6th floor that day lied in their various statements to law enforcement officials.