Evidence that he ever had that specific rifle in his possession? I mean beyond the magic reappearing partial palmprint on an index card and Cecil Kirk's moon craters.
The prosecution provides rock hard scientific evidence.
1) Lt. Day testified that he took the print on the day the print was dated.
2) The FBI provided evidence that the print on Days card was taken from Oswald's rifle, meaning Oswald touched the rifle.
3) The HSCA photography panel(PP) came to the conclusion that the same rifle in the backyard photos were from Oswald.
4) Scalice using new photos proved that the prints on the guard were found to be Oswald's.
5) The fresh fibers that were stuck in a crevice on Oswald's rifle came from Oswald's arrest shirt.
Iacoletti's non-scientific knee jerk defence.
1) Day lied.
2) The FBI lied.
3) The HSCA PP lied.
4) Scalice lied
5) Proves nothing
And there you have it, it's no wonder nobody takes the conspiracy side seriously.