Very relevant? I don't know. What I do wonder about is why somebody involved in the investigation would suddenly change his mind just to sell a book. I just don't see that. Could it be that Curry held his doubts to himself from the beginning and then decided to come forward with them? He wouldn't be the first employee or government official who disagreed with what was going on but did not want to rock the boat…. Could that explain his change of opinion?
Curry wasn't a part of the investigation when he released his book, he was retired. Martin, I know for a fact you're not naive, is it possible he changed his mind just to sell a book
and make money?
As you suggest, Curry may well have genuinely believed there was a conspiracy, he may have held back till retirement, he may have simply changed his mind..I won't pretend to know the answer to that. Does anyone? I think you know which way I lean. Perhaps old age has made me too cynical but to be fair, Curry wouldn't have been the first, nor the last, to sell out for a $.
If indeed, that's what he did.