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Author Topic: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?  (Read 186976 times)

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #576 on: January 02, 2020, 08:54:23 PM »


And why was that?

Answer:  Because the Ruskies, with the help of probable triple-agents Guenther Schulz in Oklahoma and Ivan Obyedkov at the Mexico City Soviet embassy (and Duran's and Azcue's "Blond Oswald" -- KGB colonel Nikolai Leonov), et al., had planted a WW III "virus" in Olwald's CIA file.

--  MWT  ;)

PS  It's not "Godfather" Hoover, but "overly territorial, vindictive, gullible, wishful-thinking, in-denial of at least two ("Fedora" and "Top Hat") KGB penetrations of his very own FBI" Hoover, comrade.


Hoover was insane....  Power corrupts.....  Absolute power, corrupts absolutely.    Hoover was mad with power....He had his own small band of loyal agents who answered only to Hoover, and they would jump like puppets on a string at anything Hoover suggested.   They had sent Lee to MC to try to obtain a visa to Cuba. They wanted to tie Lee Oswald to Castro so that after they murdered JFK they could blame Castro and attack Cuba.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #576 on: January 02, 2020, 08:54:23 PM »

Offline Thomas Graves

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Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #577 on: January 02, 2020, 09:30:21 PM »
Hoover was insane....  Power corrupts.....  Absolute power, corrupts absolutely.    Hoover was mad with power....He had his own small band of loyal agents who answered only to Hoover, and they would jump like puppets on a string at anything Hoover suggested.   They had sent Lee to MC to try to obtain a visa to Cuba. They wanted to tie Lee Oswald to Castro so that after they murdered JFK they could blame Castro and attack Cuba.


You didn't know that Hoover distrusted true-defector Anatoliy Golitsyn (because Golitsyn supposedly led CIA and FBI on a wild goose chase for "moles") and that he was duped by KGB triple-agent Aleksei Kulak (FBI's beloved FEDORA) for fifteen years, and by GRU triple-agent Dimitri Polyakov (FBI's TOP HAT) for as long as the KGB had Polyakov stationed at the UN on his second posting there?

Ya think they may have influenced him to distrust true-defector Golitsyn and to trust false-defector Yuri "The KGB Didn't Even Interview Oswald in the USSR!" Nosenko?


--  MWT  ;)
« Last Edit: January 02, 2020, 09:32:08 PM by Thomas Graves »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #578 on: January 05, 2020, 03:13:06 AM »
  They had sent Lee to MC to try to obtain a visa to Cuba. They wanted to tie Lee Oswald to Castro so that after they murdered JFK they could blame Castro and attack Cuba.
Back to Mexico past...,1599.msg73330.html#new

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #578 on: January 05, 2020, 03:13:06 AM »

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #579 on: January 17, 2020, 04:59:12 AM »
The blanket being found still rolled up with all the strings still tied around it is indicative of conspirators stealing rifle as quickly as possible after entering the Paines garage in the early 2 am hour on Nov 22/63

And why the blanket was left instead of being taken with the rifle

The rifle was found fully assembled with the scope attached so the conspirator shooter decided not to remove it after test firing at some targets and finding the scope unreliable with a tendency to drift and being misaligned

It was decided not to replace the defective scope with some other scope since this rifle was a mail ordered rifle with possible record of the serial no.

there were only a few hours available to practice with the rifle just using iron sights and probably only at ground level

The 2 conspirator gunman probably stealth entered TSBD not later than 4am

They hid themselves on the 7th floor possibly in attic space until approx 12:15 pm when one of them was seen at.the SW window 6th floor by Arnold Rowland

The gunman using the MC rifle probably used latex gloves of flesh color that were not discernible from any of the eyewitness who may have seen this gunman briefly

It’s possible this gunman had also some kind of special mask just in case some photograph might capture that window at time of shots

They decided it was too risky to attempt using an Oswald mask which if captured by photo might not fool expert examiners later

Gunman no. 2 used a 30.06 rifle and got the 3rd shot “one shot kill” this no shell ejected at the SW window

This gunman escaped by running to the west elevator in 10 secs and 30 sec later arrived to ground floor where he exited and then thru the west side door from loading dock roofed annex bldg as early as 50 sec post shots

Gunman no. 2  could have dropped his rifle out a west side window on 6th floor as early as 5 sec post shots where it fell 72 ft in approx 3 sec. That rifle then pickec up by accomplice waiting below with car who drove away with it as early as 15 sec post shots

Gunman no.1 shot 2 shots with Oswalds MC rifle the 1st got hitting JFK and then Gov Connally at Z223

The 2nd shot fired approx 3.5 seconds later went high and struck curb near James Teague

3rd shot was then fired by Gunman no 2 about 1 sec later at Z313 which why majority of earwitness heard last 2 shots close together , “back to back”

Gunman no 1. returned the elevator by push button used by Gunman 2 to the 5th floor by 70 sec post shots or it was sent back up by no.2 after he exited it on the ground floor

Gunman no 1 then used elevator (not Dougherty) after putting Oswalds rifle near staircase to suggest flight by stairs and Gunman no. 1 was also able to escape via west side door thru the annexed roofed part of loading dock bldg

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #580 on: February 08, 2020, 12:35:49 AM »
When you see Weitzman interviewed recorded on video , he looks like a man who is reluctantly supporting the WC conclusion that his ID of the rifle as a Mauser was simply a mistake

IMO, Wietzman never REALLY accepted he was mistaken. He never amended his original affidavit description of “Mauser” which is odd since by about 8pm Nov 22/63 just about the whole world had heard and/or seen on TV, Lt.Day holding the MC rifle up in the air and announcing it was a rifle “made in Italy”

Therefore, it’s not that implausible the rifle Weizman and Boone saw BEFORE the wall of boxes were “destacked in from the original twin wall configuration may have been a Mauser that was then switched for a MC rifle that would enable an easier fake paper trail to be established due to the MC manufactures having had sloppy records and possible duplicate serial  numbering

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #580 on: February 08, 2020, 12:35:49 AM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #581 on: February 08, 2020, 01:10:58 AM »
The blanket being found still rolled up with all the strings still tied around it is indicative of conspirators stealing rifle as quickly as possible after entering the Paines garage in the early 2 am hour on Nov 22/63

And why the blanket was left instead of being taken with the rifle

The rifle was found fully assembled with the scope attached so the conspirator shooter decided not to remove it after test firing at some targets and finding the scope unreliable with a tendency to drift and being misaligned

It was decided not to replace the defective scope with some other scope since this rifle was a mail ordered rifle with possible record of the serial no.

there were only a few hours available to practice with the rifle just using iron sights and probably only at ground level

The 2 conspirator gunman probably stealth entered TSBD not later than 4am

They hid themselves on the 7th floor possibly in attic space until approx 12:15 pm when one of them was seen at.the SW window 6th floor by Arnold Rowland

The gunman using the MC rifle probably used latex gloves of flesh color that were not discernible from any of the eyewitness who may have seen this gunman briefly

It’s possible this gunman had also some kind of special mask just in case some photograph might capture that window at time of shots

They decided it was too risky to attempt using an Oswald mask which if captured by photo might not fool expert examiners later

Gunman no. 2 used a 30.06 rifle and got the 3rd shot “one shot kill” this no shell ejected at the SW window

This gunman escaped by running to the west elevator in 10 secs and 30 sec later arrived to ground floor where he exited and then thru the west side door from loading dock roofed annex bldg as early as 50 sec post shots

Gunman no. 2  could have dropped his rifle out a west side window on 6th floor as early as 5 sec post shots where it fell 72 ft in approx 3 sec. That rifle then pickec up by accomplice waiting below with car who drove away with it as early as 15 sec post shots

Gunman no.1 shot 2 shots with Oswalds MC rifle the 1st got hitting JFK and then Gov Connally at Z223

The 2nd shot fired approx 3.5 seconds later went high and struck curb near James Teague

3rd shot was then fired by Gunman no 2 about 1 sec later at Z313 which why majority of earwitness heard last 2 shots close together , “back to back”

Gunman no 1. returned the elevator by push button used by Gunman 2 to the 5th floor by 70 sec post shots or it was sent back up by no.2 after he exited it on the ground floor

Gunman no 1 then used elevator (not Dougherty) after putting Oswalds rifle near staircase to suggest flight by stairs and Gunman no. 1 was also able to escape via west side door thru the annexed roofed part of loading dock bldg

"The blanket being found still rolled up with all the strings still tied around it is indicative of conspirators stealing rifle as quickly as possible after entering the Paines garage in the early 2 am hour on Nov 22/63"

I think the  blanket being found still rolled up with all the strings still tied around it is indicative of the thief conspirator stealing rifle very carefully so that the it would appear to the casual glance that the rifle was still in that blanket.     Now,... WHO could have known the rifle was there in that blanket....Lee Oswald, Marina Oswald, Ruth Paine,and...  Mike Paine .....we can eliminate Lee Oswald...because if he had taken the rifle, he wouldn't have taken care to make it look like the rifle was still there, he would have simply taken the rifle and tossed the blanket with the rest of his belongings there in the garage..... We can also eliminate  Marina Oswald... she also wouldn't have carefully removed the rifle, and she had no way of transporting the rifle anywhere.....  Ruth Paine is also not likely....because she would probably have been afraid to touch the evil rifle.....But she's not totally eliminated.....  That leaves... Mike Paine....He is highly suspect....  He helped unload the station wagon when Ruth and Marina arrived from New Orleans....He probably is the one who removed the rifle from the car..... so he would have known what was in the blanket.  He wouldn't have wanted Lee to know the rifle was not in the blanket so he would carefully have removed it and left it looking as though the rifle was still there.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2020, 03:49:43 PM by Walt Cakebread »

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #582 on: February 08, 2020, 04:24:24 AM »
"The blanket being found still rolled up with all the strings still tied around it is indicative of conspirators stealing rifle as quickly as possible after entering the Paines garage in the early 2 am hour on Nov 22/63"

I think the  blanket being found still rolled up with all the strings still tied around it is indicative of the thief conspirator stealing rifle very carefully so that the it would appear to the casual glance that the rifle was still in that blanket.     Now WHO could have known the rifle was there in that blanket....Lee Oswald, Marina, Oswald, Ruth Paine,and  Mike Paine .....we can eliminate Lee Oswald...because if he had taken the rifle, he wouldn't have taken care to make it look like the rifle was still there, he would have simply taken the rifle and tossed the blanket with the rest of his belongings there in the garage..... We can also eliminate  Marina Oswald... she also wouldn't have carefully removed the rifle, and she had no way of transporting the rifle anywhere.....  Ruth Paine is also not likely....because she would probably have been afraid to touch the evil rifle.....But she's not totally eliminated.....  That leaves... Mike Paine....He is highly suspect....  He helped unload the station wagon when Ruth and Marina arrived from New Orleans....He probably is the one who removed the rifle from the car..... so he would have known what was in the blanket.  He wouldn't have wanted Lee to know the rifle was not in the blanket so he would carefully have removed it and left it looking as though the rifle was still there.

Well if the rifle had been removed as early as Oct /63 as per Mrs Paine possibly remembering seen the blanket as flatter in appearance than the rifle in blanket presented to her during her WC testimony

Then it could be the rifle was already in the custody of the FBI or the CIA courtesy of MrPaine


A contingency plan in case the unthinkable plot might occur by some of their own  CIA element? Blame the defector nut as well as Communist ideology

Yet since The “nut might actually have been an asset for them for their defector scheme to infiltrate USSR

They preplant this MC rifle with misaligned scope at least give their soldier a possible chance to be acquiited by reasonable doubt

The shooting of the patsy later was therefore an unexpected event by mafia Jack Ruby for reason the patsy also was liability having been used them as well as a  “mule” hence the package being cocaine or heroin

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #583 on: February 08, 2020, 10:15:20 PM »
Well if the rifle had been removed as early as Oct /63 as per Mrs Paine possibly remembering seen the blanket as flatter in appearance than the rifle in blanket presented to her during her WC testimony

Then it could be the rifle was already in the custody of the FBI or the CIA courtesy of MrPaine


A contingency plan in case the unthinkable plot might occur by some of their own  CIA element? Blame the defector nut as well as Communist ideology

Yet since The “nut might actually have been an asset for them for their defector scheme to infiltrate USSR

They preplant this MC rifle with misaligned scope at least give their soldier a possible chance to be acquiited by reasonable doubt

The shooting of the patsy later was therefore an unexpected event by mafia Jack Ruby for reason the patsy also was liability having been used them as well as a  “mule” hence the package being cocaine or heroin

Lee Oswald unknowingly screwed up the conspirators plot by not being on the sixth floor as they had planned.....If he had been on the sixth floor he would have been shot dead by an "alert cop" who would then have been hailed as a hero for catching the assassin so quickly.     But Lee wasn't on the sixth floor where the incriminating evidence had been planted....He was on the first floor. and far away from the planted evidence, so there was no way to link him to the rifle or the shells, so even if the "alert cop" had seen Lee on the first floor he couldn't have murdered him.

The fact that Lee was on the first floor at the time that JFK"s motorcade passed by the TSBD really screwed up the plot. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #583 on: February 08, 2020, 10:15:20 PM »