Here's where the rifle was found:

Here's where the rifle was found:Wrong!.... Are you stupid and illiterate? How wide is the crack between the boxes that you have drawn the arrows to? Two or three inches?.... How wide is the carcano with the bolt handle sticking out to the right and the scope sticking out to the left ? (answer: over 4 inches )
Can't you understand what Seymour Weitzman and Eugene Boone wrote?.....
Weitzman said that he was working his way west on the south side of the row of boxes that formed the south wall of the aisle at the top of the stairs, and he said he was down on the floor and shining his flashlight beneath the pallet when he spotted the rifle lying on the floor. And Boone squeezed between the west wall and the row of boxes and removed a box that served as a closure for the top of a crevasse that was formed by the east/ west row of boxes that formed the south wall of the aisle at the top of the stairs. When Boone removed the box that formed the lid he shined his light down into the dark crevasse and saw a tiny portion of the butt of the rifle that was lying on the floor.