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Author Topic: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?  (Read 187066 times)

Offline Tim Nickerson

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Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #608 on: February 16, 2020, 03:16:06 AM »

Looking from West to East. Row nearest to stairway at camera-left.
Rifle removed. Tall stacks of pallleted book cartons at camera-right.

The aisle that Lee Oswald allegedly dashed through can be seen at camera left....And the rifle was found on the floor beneath the pallet that is visible at camera right.  Reviiew Seymour Weitzman's affidavit and testimony about shining his flash light beneath that pallet ( which was buried beneath boxes of books at the time that he and Boone discovered the rifle lying on the floor) 

Now how the hell could the skinny 5' 9" Lee Oswald reach across the boxes from the aisle and place the 8 pound rifle down beneath the pallet with the boxes of books stacked in it and then covered the top of the crevasse between the boxes by staking boxes on top of the boxes.   

I'm sure that I've seen those two bottom photos before but I never realized that they were of the location of where the rifle was found. Looking at the one on the left, it's plain to see how foolish Walt's claim is. Of course , it's possible that he's been a frail weakling himself all of his life and can't imagine how a 24 year old guy could have managed to handle an 8 lb rifle the way that Oswald did.

Here's where the rifle was found:

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #608 on: February 16, 2020, 03:16:06 AM »

Offline Tim Nickerson

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Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #609 on: February 16, 2020, 03:16:45 AM »

Without a screwdriver, yes.

How do you know?

Online Jack Trojan

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Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #610 on: February 16, 2020, 04:07:10 AM »
disassembled then reassembled the rifle

Life can turn on a dime  ;)

I get it. Did they find a dime on LHO and does it affect how he kept his prints off the rifle? Were his gloves found?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #610 on: February 16, 2020, 04:07:10 AM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #611 on: February 16, 2020, 04:10:59 AM »
How do you know?

Because there are 5 screws that attach the stock to the action.

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #612 on: February 16, 2020, 03:09:32 PM »
  He disassembled the rifle in the Paine's garage. 
Prove that this happened....unless you were peeking in the window at the time?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #612 on: February 16, 2020, 03:09:32 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #613 on: February 16, 2020, 03:32:47 PM »

Here's where the rifle was found:

Here's where the rifle was found:

Wrong!....  Are you stupid and illiterate? How wide is the crack between the boxes that you have drawn the arrows to?  Two or three inches?.... How wide is the carcano with the bolt handle sticking out to the right and the scope sticking out to the left ?  (answer:  over 4 inches ) 

Can't you understand what Seymour Weitzman and Eugene Boone wrote?.....

Weitzman said that he was working his way west on the south side of the row of boxes that formed the south wall of the aisle at the top of the stairs, and he said he was down on the floor and shining his flashlight beneath the pallet when he spotted the rifle lying on the floor.   And Boone squeezed between the west wall and the row of boxes and removed a box that served as a closure for the top of a crevasse that was formed by the east/ west row of boxes that formed the south wall of the aisle at the top of the stairs.  When Boone removed the box that formed the lid he shined his light down into the dark crevasse and saw a tiny portion of the butt of the rifle that was lying on the floor. 

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #614 on: February 16, 2020, 03:33:45 PM »
That's a fair question. I don't actually know the date it was mailed. How does Jerry Freeman know what date it was mailed? Have you asked him?
Sorry ...
Supposedly information based on and taken from the Report.
January 28, 1962: LHO orders a .38 caliber Smith and Wesson revolver by mail.
 Should be [if it indeed happened] 1963
 March 9-10, 1963: LHO takes photographs of the home of General Edwin Walker, a right wing activist.
March 12, 1963: Ruth Paine visits Marina at the new apartment. Also that day, LHO orders a rifle from Klein's Sporting Goods in Chicago.
March 20, 1963: The rifle and the revolver are shipped
March 25, 1963: LHO picks up the weapons   
The revolver was not ordered two months before the rifle was.  Jan 27, 1963 was the date that Oswald filled out the coupon, not the date that he mailed it.
So...he filled out the coupon and let it [apparently] sit around for the 2 months you stated to earlier.
 Who does this?
Not responded to...
Also note that presumably...Lee goes over to take pictures at General Walker's before any rifle to shoot him with ever arrives.
Why in hell take pictures anyway? What purpose would it serve?

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #615 on: February 16, 2020, 03:35:24 PM »
  How wide is the crack between the boxes that you have drawn the arrows to?  Two or three inches?.... 
Barely one inch. The blind could see that.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #615 on: February 16, 2020, 03:35:24 PM »