Sure there wasn't. Where did Craig get the 7.65 number from? His ass?
Probably Weitzman. But Craig's testimony on the matter doesn't inspire confidence.
On 11/22/63, he swore out an affidavit and was interviewed by the FBI. Didn't mention the rifle.
In 1968, he and Penn Jones were interviewed by the LA Free Press. He told the LAFP that he saw the rifle when it was discovered, but "couldn't give its name because I don't know
foreign rifles." He
did claim that a Mauser was found, but said it was a second rifle that was found on the roof. He attributed this knowledge not to his own firsthand experience, but to a reporter who was supposedly told by someone within the DPD.
One year later in his Shaw trial testimony, he said nothing about seeing "7.65 Mauser" or "Mauser 7.65" on the rifle.
In his 1971 screed "When They Kill a President," Craig says that Weitzman identified the rifle, but nothing about seeing "Mauser 7.65" on it.
It's not until 1973 that be begins to claim that he saw "Mauser 7.65" on the weapon, but that story is hard to believe given his previous years of silence on the matter. It's even harder to believe it when you realize that the '73 version of the story is directly contradicted by what he told the LA Free Press in '68.