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Author Topic: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?  (Read 189857 times)

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #688 on: February 23, 2020, 08:27:40 PM »
Bil, having trouble expressing yourself? You need to stop the shock treatment altogether and hit the bottle

We certainly know how you express yourself
« Last Edit: February 23, 2020, 08:29:19 PM by Bill Chapman »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #688 on: February 23, 2020, 08:27:40 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #689 on: February 24, 2020, 04:37:34 PM »
My point I was trying to make was that Weizmann must have seen the rifle INSIDE the 4” space gap of the pallet and this was where the rifle was originally before it was moved to the “set up” position as photographed

I have no doubt now that it WAS possible for a rifle to have been placed inside the  4” thru the open space under a pallet if the rifle is inserted thru either East or west end of a pallet

Therefore Walt’s theory of pre planting rifle is possible and is as simple as someone on ground floor wedging the rifle in the pallet using probably those wades pieces of paper seen in photo

The rifle is then transported to the 6th floor by the unwitting fork lift operator

It’s also possible that the rifle could have been placed inside the pallet after the shooting but IMO this would preclude Oswald having done so since travel time around to one of those available East or west end open part of a pallet and sliding rifle inside would add at least another 15 secs to the timeline which = Oswald cannot have made it to 2nd floor landing by 75 sec post shots fired.

My calculation of time required for Oswald on the 6th floor is as follows

5 secs to slowly withdraw rifle window allowing Malcolm Couch to spot it after hearing Bob Jackson shouting about seeing it

5 sec to get up from kneeling and get out of the tight space of the SN

25 secs to double time approx 8ft/ sec As Oswald travels 180 ft to get the boxes near staircase
(Note here added  3 sec for acceleration and deceleration to avg speed of 8ft/sec over 180ft= 22 sec

15 sec added to travel around stacked boxes, find the nearest pallet of boxes to hide the rifle underneath

10 sec to wipe rifle of prints and kneel down and insert rifle thru west end of the pallet while holding it with rag so as not to leave any prints
5 sec to get up from kneeling down at the pallet and travel to the staircase

Total time required = 65 secs of time used on the 6th floor before Oswald could have started a descent down the staircase at about a 10sec per floor pace.

1.  Oswald cannot even barely make it to the 5th floor landing by 75 sec post shots
2. Oswald would not have passed by the 4th floor landing until 85 sec post shots therefore even higher probability Dorothy Garner should have seen him
before she saw Baker/Truly coming up the staircase

3.Oswald does not reach 2nd floor lunchroom until 105 sec post shots well beyond the 75 sec timeline required to have been seen by Baker as Baker looked thru the 2x2 window approx 80-83 sec post shots

I have no doubt now that it WAS possible for a rifle to have been placed inside the  4” thru the open space under a pallet if the rifle is inserted thru either East or west end of a pallet

4 inches?....There apparently was a much wider gap between the rows of boxes that made up the north and south sides of the crevasse  The photos seem to show a wider gap ...

The rifle was probably placed beneath the pallet from the west.....Because the heaviest part of the rifle was the butt end, and the butt was to the west  with the muzzle pointing east.    It would have been natural to handle the rifle by the heaviest end .....

Then after the rifle was placed on the floor beneath the pallet the person only needed to place a couple of boxes over the gap between the rows of boxes on the north and south sides  of the rifle and another to seal the west end of the crevasse. 

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #690 on: February 24, 2020, 07:40:32 PM »

Then along comes Weitzman with his face to the floor so he see through the 3/4" gap between the side-board of the pallet and the floor.

Weitzman said that he shined his flashlight beneath the pallet and spotted the rifle.....  Do you doubt that he did?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #690 on: February 24, 2020, 07:40:32 PM »

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #691 on: February 25, 2020, 10:17:13 PM »
Wedging the rifle inside the space in the pallet would be a simple way the conspirators could get rifle to 6th floor with the minimal exposure of one of them being inside the TSBD

If there are pallets fully stacked with boxes that the conspirator KNOWS will be moved by forklift operator to the 6th floor BEFORE the JFK motorcade arrives in Dealey Plaza

Someone enters the TSBD by annex dock building early Friday via west side door and wedges rifle inside one the pallet on the ground floor with the wads of paper and then exits via same west side door

Exposure time is probably only about
30 secs if one of pallets is inside the annex bldg part of ground floor and not in LOS of employees on the ground floor. Inside the TSBD proper

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #692 on: February 25, 2020, 10:25:54 PM »
Wedging the rifle inside the space in the pallet would be a simple way the conspirators could get rifle to 6th floor with the minimal exposure of one of them being inside the TSBD

If there are pallets fully stacked with boxes that the conspirator KNOWS will be moved by forklift operator to the 6th floor BEFORE the JFK motorcade arrives in Dealey Plaza

Someone enters the TSBD by annex dock building early Friday via west side door and wedges rifle inside one the pallet on the ground floor with the wads of paper and then exits via same west side door

Exposure time is probably only about
30 secs if one of pallets is inside the annex bldg part of ground floor and not in LOS of employees on the ground floor. Inside the TSBD proper

The rifle was placed there beneath the pallet while the pallet was sitting on the sixth floor with boxes of books stacked on it.....   

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #692 on: February 25, 2020, 10:25:54 PM »

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #693 on: February 25, 2020, 11:15:43 PM »
Olay Walt, then if it were placed under the pallet the reason must be that in that location would be least probable place that rifle would be accidentally discovered before the shooting takes place

As opposed to having placed rifle between two vertical walls of boxes resting directly on the floor which might get moved individually as the workers were laying new sections of plywood floor prior to JFK motorcade arriving

Still don’t quite follow The reason for conspirators to place a rifle that would appear to be unfired due to corrosion Inside the barrel and a misaligned scope

If you are trying to set up a patsy to be suspected of having fired a rifle on that floor, placing a rifle with corroded barrel and misaligned scope seems a bit of a mistake imo

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #694 on: February 26, 2020, 12:54:24 AM »
Olay Walt, then if it were placed under the pallet the reason must be that in that location would be least probable place that rifle would be accidentally discovered before the shooting takes place

As opposed to having placed rifle between two vertical walls of boxes resting directly on the floor which might get moved individually as the workers were laying new sections of plywood floor prior to JFK motorcade arriving

Still don’t quite follow The reason for conspirators to place a rifle that would appear to be unfired due to corrosion Inside the barrel and a misaligned scope

If you are trying to set up a patsy to be suspected of having fired a rifle on that floor, placing a rifle with corroded barrel and misaligned scope seems a bit of a mistake imo

Still don’t quite follow The reason for conspirators to place a rifle that would appear to be unfired due to corrosion Inside the barrel and a misaligned scope

When the conspirators and the investigators are one and the same ....Who's going to argue with the vaunted  FBI???    The barrel could have had a spiders nest in it and the FBI would simple have lied and  still have declared it the murder weapon.....

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #695 on: February 26, 2020, 02:24:43 AM »
"Corrosion inside the barrel" doesn't mean it was from rust and non-use.

    "They result from corrosion in the barrel due to the hot gases and possibly
     corrosive primer mixtures in the cartridges used, and primarily again they
     result from wear, that is, an eroding of the barrel through friction due to the
     firing of cartridges, bullets through it."
          -- Warren Report, USGPO, p550

"Corrosion inside the barrel" doesn't mean it was from rust and non-use.

Firing a rifle with dirt or corrosion in the barrel is highly dangerous.....  However if there is dirt or corrosion in the barrel, a single projectile fired through the barrel will wipe out that dirt or corrosion....   Perhaps you've forgotten that The FBI said that the rifle had had THREE projectiles through the barrel....  That means the bore would have been clean....BUT ...The FBI would not test the rifle until it had been cleaned and oiled....  They weren't fools....They weren't about to fire that rifle with the dirt and corrosion in the barrel......   

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: CT's, how did Oswald's rifle end up on the 6th floor?
« Reply #695 on: February 26, 2020, 02:24:43 AM »