Yeah I was wrong, your posts don't imply Oswald was innocent they scream from the top of their lungs that Oswald was innocent.

A man is the sum of his actions, of what he has done, of what he can do, Nothing else.
John Galsworthy
Of course, when you go to the lengths of separating evidence into two parts just so you can present what you perceive to be less incriminating evidence to the court is a stunt only a naive Defence Attorney would try and pull off.
My brain works!
Both the Warren Commission and a decade and a half later the HSCA studied the evidence and concluded that Oswald was guilty, whereas you and the rest of the CT's haven't concluded squat. A jury can only decide a case with evidence and the Magic Unknown Boogeyman who was everywhere but nowhere is simply laughable.
"Both the Warren Commission and a decade and a half later the HSCA studied the evidence and concluded that Oswald was guilty, whereas you and the rest of the CT's haven't concluded squat." Really? Let's look at what the HSCA actually concluded.
HSCA & THE BALLISTICS TESTThe House Select Committee on Assassinations Firearms panel test-fired C-2766, and could not match its test bullets with either CE-399 (the magic bullet) or the test bullets fired by the FBI from what was allegedly the same rifle (CE-139). From Volume I, page 464 of the HSCA hearings:
Mr. MCDONALD. Did you compare the FBI test bullets with your own test bullets that you recently fired out of 139?
Mr. BATES. Yes, we also made a microscopic comparison of that.
Mr. MCDONALD. And what did the comparison show?
Mr. BATES. The results of this examination indicated that we could not determine whether the FBI test bullets were, in
fact, fired from the rifle, CE-139.
Mr. McDONALD. And would you please explain your answer?
Mr. BATES. Based upon the microscopic comparison, there were differences in the individual identifying
characteristics found within the land and groove impressions on the FBI test bullets and on the panel test bullets.Hmmm... Which part of that say's Oswald was guilty?
THE CONDITION OF THE SIXTH FLOOR RIFLEThe experts from the US Army and the FBI who had tested the rifle discovered that it was actually not usable in its original state:
Shims had to be applied to the telescopic sight before the rifle could be aimed.
Even after the telescopic sight had been repaired, it proved unreliable and inaccurate.
The condition of both the bolt and the trigger pull meant that the rifle could not be aimed accurately.
The rifle discovered on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository could not have caused any of the wounds to Kennedy, Connally or Tague, except by accident.Hmmm.. So the HSCA concluded Oswald was guilty, after they found the rifle wasn't even usable? How does that work?
NOTES FROM THE ABOVE“They [the US Army marksmen] could not sight the weapon in using the telescope, and no attempt was made to sight it in using the iron sight. We did adjust the telescopic sight by the addition of two shims, one which tended to adjust the azimuth, and one which adjusted an elevation”: Warren Commission Hearings, vol.3, p.443.
According to the FBI’s firearms specialist, “Every time we changed the adjusting screws to move the crosshairs in the telescopic sight in one direction it also affected the movement of the impact or the point of impact in the other direction. … We fired several shots and found that the shots were not all landing in the same place, but were gradually moving away from the point of impact.”: Warren Commission Hearings, vol.3, p.405.
Problems with the bolt and the trigger mechanism: “There were several comments made — particularly with respect to the amount of effort required to open the bolt. … There was also comment made about the trigger pull … in the first stage the trigger is relatively free, and it suddenly required a greater pull to actually fire the weapon.”: Warren Commission Hearings, vol.3, p.449.
“The pressure to open the bolt was so great that that we tended to move the rifle off the target.”: ibid., p.451.If I was one of those experts, I don't think I would have concluded guilt based on a rifle that was too spombleprofglidnoctobunsty to even work right. But Oswald swallowers love to swallow.
So the actual experts who tested the rifle stated it was a piece of spombleprofglidnoctobuns, too worn out to even work right. But how could that be if the rifle sent to A. Hidell was barely used? What's the sorry ass excuse for that, Oswald Swallowers?
How does a lightly used 36 inch 5 pound rifle turn into a 40.02 inch 8 pound barely usable rifle? What kind of nonsense is that? But go ahead, explain it.
The order showed a 36 inch 5 pound rifle was sent to A. Hidell. The ad in the paper said it was for a 36 inch 5 pound rifle. And yet a 40.02 inch 8 pound piece of spombleprofglidnoctobuns rifle was found instead. So explain that.
And why were the 2 rifle slings different? The 40.02 inch 8 pound rifle has a leather sling with a pad. And yet the backyard rifle had nylon sling with no pad. Maybe an Oswald Swallower can explain that!
How could Oswald, who couldn't shoot for spombleprofglidnoctobuns, have shot Kennedy in the front from behind? The bullet that killed Kennedy came from the front. I'd bet one of the 2 men positioned in the pergola behind Zapruder with rifles would know.
Maybe take a magnify glass to the Moorman photo and point out which of those 2 (boogeymen) were Oswald, since he's so guilty.
The government drops ridiculous nonsensical goo, and the swallowers suck it all up. And not one of them is gonna explain any of it, because they can't. There is no explanation, except that Oswald was being framed.
"But the habitual lying government would never lie. I believe them." lol
If a swallower wants to try explaining it away, I'd sure love to hear it. I can just see it now...
"Isn't it obvious... the rifle was magic too, just like the bullets. Oswald received the magic 36 inch rifle, then after he shot it, the magic rifle turned into a 40.02 inch rifle. To cover for Oswald, so he could buy a coke before making it home through presidential motorcade in 30 minutes riding the bus and kill a cop." : /
But your brain works...