This is evidence?
Neither did at least 6 other people in the TSBD alone.
"Lie" defined as contradicting Mytton's assumptions about what happened.
This is "evidence"?

Don't ever serve on a jury.
HUH?? You've lost it John, what's any of this got to do with John Mytton in 2019, the point is what they had to work with 2 days later and the case was solid.
The rifle was sent to Oswald's PO Box.
The rifle of the exact same type was photographed with Oswald.
The rifle was missing from the blanket it was held in.
The rifle was found on the 6th floor of Oswald's workplace.
The rifle had fresh fibers which matched the fibers in Oswald's shirt.
Oswald had no alibi, the other 6+ may have had no alibi but they don't tick the other boxes, see how this works John?
Oswald's desperate attempt of flight out of Dallas.
Oswald being positively identified as the Man who shot a Police Officer.
The shells at scene that were seen being dropped by Oswald was exclusively matched to Oswald's revolver.
Oswald owned the revolver.
Oswald dropped his Jacket in a car park, clearly trying to change his appearance.
When arrested Oswald punched a cop and tried to shoot him.
Oswald lied about owning the rifle.
Oswald lied about the contents of the package.
Oswald lied about where he placed the package.
Oswald lied about the backyard photographs.
And this is just a partial list off the top of my head, what other conclusion could they have come up with?