Hi Thomas, thanks for the feedback. As for Frazier;
1. Frazier tells us during his testimony that he wasn't "paying much attention to the bag"
2. Oswald tells Frazier he's carrying curtain rods
3. Oswald tells his interrogators that he has his lunch in the bag.
4. Frazier says the bag was on the back seat.
5. Oswald says he carried the bag on his lap.
6. The bag matches the size of the broken down rifle.
7. The bag has Oswald's prints.
8. The bag was found in the sniper's nest.

Yes, but it seems to me that his "not paying much attention" to the package is contradicted by his describing it more recently as being "24 to 25 inches in length" (iirc)
Why not say it was "24-to-30 inches in length", or something, instead?
Why the only
one inch increment?
Smacks of a close observation on his part, imho.
Just saying ...
-- MWT

PS I wonder if anyone has determined how many inches there are from a typical 5' 9.5" American man's armpit to the cup of his hand?
Point being: If the package was only 25 inches long, would it have been long enough to fit well from Oswald's armpit to his hand?