I suppose it has been calculated just how much jet-effect force would be required to cause Kennedy's movements backwards. Do you know if it has been shown that the explosive force reached a required standard?
The calculation is not difficult. It all depends on how much mass is expelled from the head and what portion of the bullet energy it carries.
The momentum is: p = square root of {2m(KE)} where m is the mass of the ejected matter and KE is the kinetic energy of that matter.
Let's say the mass of ejected blood and brain matter was, conservatively, 100 g. It was likely more.
The energy of that expelled mass can only make up a small fraction of the energy of the incoming bullet. This is because much of the bullet energy is used in deforming the bullet when penetrating the skull. The energy of the deformed bullet plowing through the brain is converted into compression energy (pressure x volume of matter) of the brain material that is then converted to kinetic energy of the pressurized brain matter when the front of the skull ruptures.
Conservatively, let's say only 10% of the bullet energy is converted into kinetic energy of the expelled brain matter. A 10 g bullet moving at 1900 fps (580m/sec) carries kinetic energy (mv^2/2) of 1680 Joules. This would mean that the 100 g. of ejected matter carried 168 J. of kinetic energy. Using the formula for momentum, that means that the momentum imparted to the ejected matter was p = sqrt{2 x .1 x 168) or about 6 kg m/sec of momentum. This would propel the head (having a mass of, say, 13 lb or 6 kg) back at a speed of about 1 m/sec.
[Note: Another factor is gravity. Once JFK's body was pushed far enough left, gravity would take effect.]
So even using these conservative estimates for the amount of matter ejected and its energy, there would be a significant momentum imparted to the head - enough to cause a visible rearward and leftward motion of the head.