Nice detective work James. So, so far, Darnell is still the only newsman we know of that had some type of rolled up paper in his RH pocket.
And he is filming the westside before Cook does you think? Since he's not focused on any particular part of it, I'll assume he's just heard something about the building in general, that it might be involved, perhaps the Euins/Harkness event or perhaps Jackson/Haygood.
And am I also right to assume that the footage of the cop, detective or whoever, climbing out one of those same windows(to gain access to a locked room, so the story goes) came about some good time later?
Barry, thanks for the interesting comments and questions.
Darnell finished his filming of the west side just before Cook began to lower his camera. This was recorded in the Robert Hughes film, at roughly 12:34-12:35 by my estimate.

I think the Weatherford episode is some 10-20 minutes later.
Harkness ? on his DPD 3-wheeler just enters the parking area and Darnell takes off in his direction- as if to intercept him. So, I think Euins has not yet met up with Harkness.
I'm not up on a Jackson/Haygood event, would you fill me in on that?
So why did the west side attract both Darnell and Cook (and a few others in the Hughes film)? We see that the 5th floor west side's south set of windows are now open (closed in McIntire). It may be that Norman, Williams and Jarmen are actually in those windows, but not picked up in the exposures – like the Prayer Person in Wiegman was hidden so well in the shadows. Just imo.