Right, the rational thing to do is to just believe what Chapman probably thinks happened, for no reason whatsoever.
>>> Why would you need me to prove anything to you? You sure are insecure... so badly needing others to agree with you.
DA Chapman: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I am 100% certain that Oswald probably killed Kennedy. The prosecution rests.
Jury: How compelling. Not guilty.
Judge: Smirk------------------------------------
Oswald: I'm innocent
CT Jury: Okay, you can go
Oswald: [SMIRK]
Iacoletti dies and arrives at the Gates of Hell
Satan shows up, with Oswald in tow.
Iacoletti exclaims 'Lee, what are YOU doing here?'
Oswald responds 'I killed JFK and Tippit'
Iacoletti cries ''No you didn't! You made that up! YOU'RE LYING!'
