The corroborated evidence.
81 eyewitnesses out of every 100 eyewitnesses heard 3 shots.

3 shells found in the Sniper's nest.

Btw it's not up to me to prove anything, all I did was present evidence.
Unforunately it is way more complicated than a simple Joel Grant pie chart constructed based on someones bias. The witnesses tabulation behind the pie chart definitely leaves room for scrutiny. The ratio of eyewitnesses to earwitnesses is skewed to the earwitnesses by a large percentage. Even the list of witnesses and there different statements are questionable.
Where is the breakdown of people who first said two shots then changed to three (example:Garland Slack) or a description of the timing of the shots that is beyond the capabilities of the Carcano. A vey large number of three shot earwitnesses can be ruled out by last two shots being so close they sounded like one or words to that effect or believe there was a second shooter.
Where is the breakdown of the eyewitnesses seperate from the earwitnesses. A large percentage of eyewitnesses stated there was just two shots or descriptions of the headshot that occurred on the second shot. The eyewitnesses were able to not only hear but see what was happening.
Actually attempting to construct a tabulation of witness testimony, given the ever changing statements, without a very ridgid set of parameters is a fools effort. Even then the parameters become the object of the debate.