As discussed many times before, by the form of mislogic the brothers contrarian apply to this case, no one saw Booth shoot Lincoln.
Uh, no one did see Booth shoot Lincoln, "Richard". What's your point?
No one has to see a murderer pull the trigger to know that he did so. Many murders are, for understandable reasons from the perspective of the murderer, not committed in the presence of witnesses. And yet they are solved.
What do you think it means to know something? Something can be "solved" (whatever that means) and still not be true.
To suggest that because no one saw Oswald pull the trigger that there is somehow doubt that he did so or that shots were fired from that window when a variety of witnesses place a shooter there
And by "variety" you mean Euins. Maybe.
and the physical evidence discovered on that floor verifies it is outlandish kookery.
What physical evidence discovered on that floor do you claim "verifies" that shots were fired from that window? Do tell.
Even the most desperate defense attorney who knows he has a stone cold guilty client would blush at that bogus defense. And, of course, there is no attempt to explain the noises above Norman's head if he didn't hear shots. The best we are left to ponder by implication is that for some inexplicable reason some unknown person stuck a "pipe" like object out the window at the moment of the assassination and presumably beat a base drum before escaping unnoticed. And a variety of other unknown persons pulled off the assassination and planted all the evidence to frame Oswald. It is truly wacky, tin foil hat nonsense.
Most of your strawman arguments (ie "implications") are indeed wacky, tin foil hat nonsense. And yet you persist.