"In court how would you defend Oswald?"
Demand the autopsy materials be allowed in court.
Have the autopsy doctors explain in court their conclusions illustrated by the autopsy photos. (Assuming the autopsy photos of the inside of JFK's right lung, that would have shown the direction and path of the bullet that allegedly went through his neck, and the photo of the inside of the skull, after the brain was removed. that showed the wound near the EOP, were still amongst the autopsy materials.) Those photos are no longer in the archives.
In 1967 the autopsy pathologists (Humes, Boswell, and Finck), the acting chief of radiology (Ebersole) and one of the autopsy photographers (Stringer) viewed the autopsy photographs and/or X-rays and confirmed the photos and X-rays were accurate in the portrayal of the wounds of the President.
The Clark Panel studied the autopsy X-rays and photos and concluded that the head was struck only once and from above and behind.
The Rockefeller Commission studied the autopsy X-rays and photos and concluded that the head was struck only once and from behind.
The HSCA forensic panel studied the autopsy X-rays and photos (and interviewed the Kennedy autopsy personnel in order to verify the validity of the photos and X-rays) and concluded that the head was struck once and only from behind.