No, he was watching them switch the train cars.
So, are you saying that Oswald did jettison or hide his curtain rods (or broken-down rifle) in the part of the parking lot he and Frazier walked through?
If so, why would Oswald do that?
Or rephrased, why do you think the evil, evil, evil CIA would have Oswald do that, or ... gasp ... have Frazier "make the whole thing up"?
ARE you saying that Frazier "made it all up" regarding the package in his car, etc, and, for some strange reason, wasn't willing to say he'd seen, with his very own 20/20 eyeballs, Oswald carry that "blob-like fantasy" into the TSBD?
Yes, I realize you're saying, "There's no evidence that Oswald carried that package into the building! The Warren Commission made it all up!"
But ... what are you really saying, Iacoletti? That Frazier was a teller of untruths?
If so, can you prove that
with evidence?
-- MWT