Your "answer" is that you "can't clear up" whether you posted as Roger Collins? Why is that? You would obviously know if you posted under the name Roger Collins. In which case the answer is "yes." If not, the answer is "no." But you won't provide a straight answer for some inexplicable reason. Yet another incoherent rant and runaround. How could you possibly lie about something that Roger Collins claimed? Are you really that dense? If you are Roger Collins, and Roger Collins made a false claim then you lied. Can you follow that obvious line of logic? Good grief. And here you seem to imply that you have some legal qualification that others do not. Just like Roger Collins! What a coincidence. You criticize others for being an "armchair lawyer". That implies you have some legal qualifications. How about giving us a straight answer for once. Maybe you can clear that up for us as well.
Your "answer" is that you "can't clear up" whether you posted as Roger Collins? Why is that?Why? This also has already been explained to you, but here it is again;
clowns like you will never be satisfied with whatever answer I give!You would obviously know if you posted under the name Roger Collins. In which case the answer is "yes." If not, the answer is "no." But you won't provide a straight answer for some inexplicable reason. Yet another incoherent rant and runaround. Frustrating isn't it ?

What does it take for you to understand that I am not going to play your little game?
How could you possibly lie about something that Roger Collins claimed? Are you really that dense? If you are Roger Collins, and Roger Collins made a false claim then you lied. Can you follow that obvious line of logic? Good grief. Sure, I can follow that logic but saying that I lied
IF I am Roger Collins is a long way from what you said previously;
The only reason that I can surmise for your reluctance is that Collins claimed to be a lawyer. And you lied about that as demonstrated in your complete lack of knowledge regarding the legal system.
Claiming that I lied because (according to your special brand of "logic") Roger Collins lied about being a lawyer/attorney (which is something you can't prove or possibly even know) leaves no room for "IF" and implies that you have already made up your mind and have decided what my answer to your silly question should be, which makes it a complete waste of time to talk to you about this false narrative. You just believe what you want to believe. I couldn't care less...
And here you seem to imply that you have some legal qualification that others do not. Just like Roger Collins! What a coincidence. More BS... I don't imply to have some legal qualification that others do not. That's just another strawman!
You criticize others for being an "armchair lawyer". No, I criticize you in particular for being an "armchair lawyer" because you seem not to know the difference between an attorney and a lawyer (at one time you claimed Collins said he was an attorney, yet other times you say he claimed to be a lawyer, which to you seems to mean the same thing) and claimed previously several times that I do not have any legal knowledge, yet you failed to disclose what qualifications you have to make such a determination, which of course makes your opinion completely worthless. So, I ask again, what qualifies you to make the determination that I don't have any legal knowledge..... and this time try to answer the question for once, rather that pivot away from it in a desperate attempt to turn the argument around.
That implies you have some legal qualifications.It implies no such thing. It was a question which you are not answering. How can you determine that somebody has no legal knowledge, if you don't have any legal knowledge yourself? If you are not an "armchair lawyer" just present your legal qualifications and I'll gladly withdraw the comment and we'll take it from there.
C'mon Richard, instead of being the weasel you normally are, step up to the plate and either retract your pathetic statement or explain what qualifications you have to make such a determination