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Author Topic: CT's, in court how would you defend Oswald?  (Read 134140 times)

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: CT's, in court how would you defend Oswald?
« Reply #584 on: August 21, 2019, 03:26:38 PM »
I never called you a lemming.

You talk the talk.
I walk the walk:

Cool, you can post a screen shot.  Now show me where I call you a lemming.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: CT's, in court how would you defend Oswald?
« Reply #584 on: August 21, 2019, 03:26:38 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: CT's, in court how would you defend Oswald?
« Reply #585 on: August 21, 2019, 03:28:01 PM »
Someone should explain to Iacoletti that there's an infinite number of Conspiracy Theories, each with its own "fact pattern," but only one Oswald-Did-It-By-Himself scenario.


--  MWT  ;)

The Oswald-Did-It-By-Himself scenario is not a "fact pattern".

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: CT's, in court how would you defend Oswald?
« Reply #586 on: August 21, 2019, 03:29:37 PM »
Point out  a couple my 'dismantled' arguments.

What makes you think I was talking about you?  You don't make any arguments.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: CT's, in court how would you defend Oswald?
« Reply #586 on: August 21, 2019, 03:29:37 PM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: CT's, in court how would you defend Oswald?
« Reply #587 on: August 21, 2019, 07:47:36 PM »
I walk the walk
No..You talk the walk so go walk your talk :-\

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: CT's, in court how would you defend Oswald?
« Reply #588 on: August 21, 2019, 10:57:26 PM »
What retreat?......I believe I originated the LN = lemming analogy. Do you agree? Remember the saying now.

Remember the saying now
>>> Sez Lord Haughty the Condescender III

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: CT's, in court how would you defend Oswald?
« Reply #588 on: August 21, 2019, 10:57:26 PM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: CT's, in court how would you defend Oswald?
« Reply #589 on: August 21, 2019, 11:52:08 PM »
Seems to me your species are the ones claiming conspiracy and an AnyBodyButOswald shooter.


My species? haha. So, don't you think you a person should have to provide evidence for a claim they make?

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: CT's, in court how would you defend Oswald?
« Reply #590 on: August 22, 2019, 12:06:11 AM »
>>> Sez Lord Haughty the Condescender III

Speaking of haughty and condescending...

"CT Ship of Fools"
"Richard has made CTer bubbleheads explode everywhere"
"Seems you've trapped a rat"
"I wonder who needs to prove their case to a crazed contrarian"
"The fewer of your species left on the planet the better"
"Please don't breed"
"Contradictions are de rigeur in CT Wonderland."
"right up the contrarian keister"
"Don't try to be witty, you're just not good at it."
"Any clues for you there, Sherlock?"
"Sane people everywhere roll their eyes at you lot"
"CT mancrush Lee Harvey Oswald was a committee of three, actually"
"Aren't you glad I introduced that 'feel free' terminology to you?"
"Run, Jimbo... RUN!"
"So goes the CT Lunatic Fringe Rinse & Repeat Campaign"
"You're way too emotional about your pet theory"
"Go ahead, act like an adolescent.  At least say something worthwhile."
"In my view, you characters, more than anything, don't want to be seen as sheep in a 'nobody-can-tell-us-what-to-do-or-think' paranoid schtick. Can't make up your mind? Not our problem. Grow up."
"But what a poor excuse for a human being"
"And don't quit your day job, Sherlock."
"'Nightmare', huh.. are you sure the conspirator species even sleeps?"
"So you have an IQ at a level just above profound mental retardation?"
"Stop wetting yourself"
"I'll have some of what she's smoking."
"Conspiracy-mongers everywhere poison everything they touch"
"Your lengthy absence led me to believe you were either ill, or had finally had enough of these lunatics. In any case, at least one CTard took credit for your absence."
"Got it. Ray & Ron. Holmes & Watson right there."
"That random placement caused certain CT brainiacs to wet their panties"
"Huh? Did you just have a series of strokes?"
"Sez DevilBoyJohnnyTheCrazedFanatic"
"Only your psychiatrist can tell you why you're a hater."
"They have schools in the USA?"
"see if you can think like an investigator for once."
"Thing#1: In CTer/JAQer/IOWer FringeVille, snip-snip means removing material inconvenient to conspiracy-monger agendas."
"Time for your nap.  And stop trying to eat your soup with a fork."
"Time for you nap, Waldo.  Now, eat your cookie... and don't forget to change your diaper afterwards."
"In regards the gif that you bobbleheads, for some strange reason, are falling all over yourselves in a back-slapping confirmation-bias frenzy"
"CTer-breeding produces little CT zombies"
"I see what you did there, alas too subtle for these knobs."
"In you, I am writing for a child."
"Seems your home schoolin' just ain't workin' out for ya, Opie"
"You lot suck your thumbs while wrapping yourselves in your 'all-evidence-is-faked-planted-or-altered' security blanket."
"Any other dumbass remarks from you, Lord Haughty?"
"Nothing but your own opinion means a damn thing to you."
« Last Edit: August 22, 2019, 12:07:29 AM by John Iacoletti »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: CT's, in court how would you defend Oswald?
« Reply #591 on: August 22, 2019, 12:17:40 AM »
You are right about everything but Trump. Trump plays games with people who seem so sensitive to his meaningless claims. On the other, we have the actors who play dumb as a fox with their own gossip. Plant seeds every day hoping the public bites, which it will, but how long can a fake story stay alive? Take your pick, he is a racist or he is involved in collusion. Two claims by those who are professionally offended 24/7 and never back it up. It started with fake polling, where the media told you "he will not win" again and again. How did that work out? Well, if you dislike the man, you ignored the games the media played. What is really peculiar is the media becomes "fact-check happy", imagine that! So when we talk about claims you mean like LBJ's Gulf of Tonkin or how about the USS Liberty explanation as being mistaken for an Egyptian vessel that hauls horses Then you have Obama claiming if you like your Health care you can keep the doctor. Or Bill Clinton and AG Loretta Lynche  claiming their tarmac conversation was about the grandchildren

It's really pathetic how people on the right always give Trump a free pass claiming all his lies and crimes are "meaningless" while deflecting and trying to hold others accountable to a higher standard. That's hypocritical and why he is coddled by his ignorant sycophants. You're just spouting off all your right wing talking points that every talking head on Faux propaganda parrots.

So, in your world the media should not be obligated to "fact check" a candidate or a President to make sure what they are saying is accurate. They are allowed to make up any falsehood and pretend that information is indeed correct. Well, that's why there is Faux Propaganda to recite Trump's falsehoods while issuing Kremlin talking points. The job of the media is to report the truth and to make sure what elected officials are saying is indeed correct. Too bad you want to live in a state run media society. Most Americans don't.       

The polling was indeed accurate since Clinton won the popular vote. Trump won 3 swing states by 1% and only 70,000 votes that the Senate Intelligence Committee confirmed that Russia penetrated the Democratic voter registration. He is a blatant racist who is supported by white supremacists and neo nazis. David Duke says "Trump speaks our language." Is that not enough evidence for you? His people all had involvement with Russians and had over 100 meetings with Russian officials. But the right feels that isn't collusion even when the GOP changed their entire platform to pro Russia at the demand of Paul Manafort. Trump even had Russian Government officials in the Oval Office laughing with them because he fired Comey. Stood on stage and supported Putin over our own intelligence. That's pure treason. Those are the facts and people like you look the other way accusing the media and Democrats instead. That's really pathetic.     

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: CT's, in court how would you defend Oswald?
« Reply #591 on: August 22, 2019, 12:17:40 AM »