Although Don finally got the three gals by the Stemmons sign in the Zapruder film (Stella Mae Jacob, Gloria Holt, and Sharon Simmons) correctly labeled about a year ago, and although he's had Inez Juanita Hart Dishong (aka June Dishong) correctly placed for a long time, due to the fact that he still doesn't have the four "shoulder-to-shoulder" headscarf-wearing gals (from left to right: Karen Westbrook, Carol Reed, Karan Hicks, Gloria Calvery) right, and his apparently not realizing that June Dishong came to the north side of Elm Street with an unnamed Higginbotham-Bailey Company colleague, he has mistakenly put Karen Westbrook in that unnamed person's place (to the immediate left of Dishong) on his "new" map.
As for Don's misplacement of Peggy Burney, Betty Thornton and Jane Berry, and his mis-juggling of Jane (not Gayle) Newman from his old map (where she was correctly placed, to the immediate right of Ernest Brandt) to her bogus new spot, don't even get me started ...
-- MWT

PS That's Dishong wearing the darkish (reddish) blouse and the dark-colored skirt in this Cabluck photo, and her unnamed colleague next to her wearing the light-colored full-length dress.
And, fwiw, that's Gloria Holt behind white-skirt and dark-jacket-wearing Stella Mae Jacob to their left. (I don't know where Jacob's and Holt's colleague, Sharron Simmons, is at this particular point in time.) from Dishong's writing about the assassination, in which she very discretely appears to be protecting the identity of her colleague:
12:00 He (JFK) is late getting downtown.
We have time to eat lunch and get out in front.
12:15 Better put on my jacket
it might be chilly although
the sun is shining bright.
We go down the elevator at the
back of the building and across
the corner down the sidewalk
in front of the Texas book
depository and about 30
feet beyond the corner.
The sun is warm. I’ll take
off my jacket --
we might have
quite a wait for the president’s car.
(emphasis added)