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Author Topic: Frazier's rifle length estimate.  (Read 20885 times)

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Frazier's rifle length estimate.
« Reply #56 on: June 27, 2019, 09:50:32 PM »
"misremembered" LOL.

Oswald came home specifically for the first time ever mid week


and told Frazier that he was getting curtain rods for his apartment.


Frazier sees Oswald's rifle package on the back seat of his car and wonders how the hell they got there and Oswald says that was the curtain rods.


Frazier sees Oswald walk away with a long package cupped in his hand.

And under his armpit.

And you reckon later that same day that Frazier could have misremembered multiple variety of specific unique connected events? Hahaha.

The "either Oswald lied or Frazier lied" claim is a false dichotomy, regardless of whether you are amused or not.

The inescapable fact is that eyewitnesses saw Oswald either put a long package in

or take a long package out of the back of Frazier's cart

Sorry, is this supposed to be evidence of murder?

and Oswald obviously knowing that putting his lunch on the backseat was absurd

What's so absurd about it?

, lies and says his lunch stayed with him on his lap.

...or possibly the front seat beside him.  According to Harry "there was a coke involved" Holmes.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2019, 09:51:52 PM by John Iacoletti »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Frazier's rifle length estimate.
« Reply #56 on: June 27, 2019, 09:50:32 PM »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Frazier's rifle length estimate.
« Reply #57 on: June 27, 2019, 09:51:31 PM »
What the film doesn't show is that LMR could even see a car through that wall much less somebody putting something in the back seat.

Again you show a crude, oversaturated, photocopy quality image and then wonder why you can't see any specific detail. But let's be honest the photo record has never been your forte, has it "Backwards Zapruder Man"! LOLOLOL!

Anyway even if you had the best photo it still won't approach the flexible dynamic range of the human eye.

Btw you still have no explanation on what stopped Linnie from seeing through an open space, maybe it was foggy? guffaw!


Offline John Mytton

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Re: Frazier's rifle length estimate.
« Reply #58 on: June 27, 2019, 09:54:03 PM »
"misremembered" LOL.

Oswald came home specifically for the first time ever mid week


What other time did Frazier take Oswald home midweek?


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Frazier's rifle length estimate.
« Reply #58 on: June 27, 2019, 09:54:03 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Frazier's rifle length estimate.
« Reply #59 on: June 27, 2019, 09:59:29 PM »
Again you show a crude, oversaturated, photocopy quality image and then wonder why you can't see any specific detail. LOLOLOL!

It's the only image we have from LMR's position.  You argument that she could have seen more is hardly a compelling argument.  But then the "Oswald did it" argument is FULL of "could have"s.

But let's be honest the photo record has never been your forte, has it "Backwards Zapruder Man"!

That's not the slightest bit honest.  Honesty is not your forte, Mr. yellow blob man.

Anyway even if you had the best photo it still won't approach the flexible dynamic range of the human eye.

She could have seen something, therefor she did see something.  Brilliant.  That's as ridiculous as "Oswald could have left his ring behind because he was planning to shoot the president, therefore Oswald did leave his ring behind because he was planning to shoot the president.  Therefore he shot the president".  LOLOLOL

Btw you still have no explanation on what stopped Linnie from seeing through an open space, maybe it was foggy? guffaw!

Nice try shifting the burden.  That's all LNers seem to be able to do.  "My guesses are automatically right until you can prove me wrong".  Again, brilliant.

Offline Gary Craig

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Re: Frazier's rifle length estimate.
« Reply #60 on: June 27, 2019, 10:00:10 PM »

Some CT suggestions on what happened.

• Only one guy with access to the evidence is all that is needed for a conspiracy, Iacoletti on the old forum actually suggested this.

• After the assassination they just randomly picked Oswald as a Patsy and quickly invented a ton of evidence.

• The Government controls everything therefore it doesn't matter what happened.


"• After the assassination they just randomly picked Oswald as a Patsy and quickly invented a ton of evidence."

No, LHO was set up.

Why He Died And Why It Matters"

By James W. Douglas


"On October 9, 1963, one week before Lee Harvey Oswald began his job at a site overlooking the president's future parade route,
an FBI official in Washington, D.C., disconnected Oswald from a federal alarm system that was about to identify him as a threat to
national security. The FBI man's name was Marvin Gheesling. He was a supervisor in the Soviet espionage section at FBI headquarters.
His timing was remarkable. As author John Newman remarked in an analysis of this phenomenon, Gheesling "turned off the alarm switch
on Oswald literally an instant before it would have gone off."


Why He Died and Why It Matters

by James W. Douglas
page 47

"In that March 29, 1977, interview, the last he would ever give, George de Mohrenschildt told author
Edward Jay Epstein he had "on occasion done favors" since the early 1950s for government officials
connected with the CIA. It was a mutually beneficial relationship. The CIA contacts then helped
de Mohrenschildt arrange profital business connections overseas.

De Mohhrenschildt said that in late 1961 he had met in Dallas with the CIA's J. Walton Moore, who
began to tell him about "an ex-American Marine who had worked in an electronics factory in Minsk
for the past year and in whom there was "interest". The Baron had grown up in Minsk, as Moore seemed
to know before being told. The ex-Marine, Moore said, would be returning to the Dallas area. De
Mohrenschildt felt he was being primed.

In the summer of 1962, de mohrenschildt said, he was handed Lee Harvey Oswald's address in Fort Worth
by "one of Moore's associates," who suggested that de Mohrenschildt meet Oswald. De Mohrenschildt
then phoned Moore to confirm such a mission and set up another mutually beneficial relationship. He
told Moore he would appreciate help from the U.S. embassy in Haiti in arranging approval by Haitian
dictator "Papa Doc" Duvalier for an oil exploration deal. Moore then gave de Mohrenschildt the go-ahead
to befriend the Oswalds, which de Mohrenschildt promptly did--with the firm understanding that he was
carrying out the CIA's wishes. "I would never have contacted Oswald in a million years if Moore had
not sanctioned it," de Mohrenschildt said in his final interview. "Too much was at stake."

On October 7, 1962, nine days before the Cuban Missle Crisis began, de Mohrenschildt urged his new
friend Lee Harvey Oswald to move to Dallas, where more of the Russian immigrants lived. Oswald took
him so seriously that the next day he quit his job at a Fort Worth welding company and made the
move. De Mohrenschildt then became Oswald's mentor in Dallas. The Baron's wife and daughter said it
was he who organized Oswald's securing a new job, four days after his move, with a Dallas graphic
arts company. Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall."

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Frazier's rifle length estimate.
« Reply #60 on: June 27, 2019, 10:00:10 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Frazier's rifle length estimate.
« Reply #61 on: June 27, 2019, 10:02:03 PM »
Now you're moving the goalposts.  Shameless.

Oswald came home specifically for the first time ever mid week

What other time did Frazier take Oswald home midweek?

Offline Gary Craig

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Re: Frazier's rifle length estimate.
« Reply #62 on: June 27, 2019, 10:06:14 PM »

Some CT suggestions on what happened.

• Only one guy with access to the evidence is all that is needed for a conspiracy, Iacoletti on the old forum actually suggested this.

• After the assassination they just randomly picked Oswald as a Patsy and quickly invented a ton of evidence.

• The Government controls everything therefore it doesn't matter what happened.


"• After the assassination they just randomly picked Oswald as a Patsy and quickly invented a ton of evidence."

No, but there were post assassination chores Hoover and his minions were tasked with.


"...On November 23,1963, J. Edgar Hoover forwarded the results of the FBI's preliminary investigation to him.(LBJ) This report detailed the

evidence that indicated LHO's guilt.

On November 24, 1963, Hoover telephoned President Johnson aide Walter Jenkins and stated:

"The thing I am concerned about, and so is Mr. Katzenbach, is having something issued so we can convince the public that Oswald is the

real assassin..."


Offline Jorn Frending

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Re: Frazier's rifle length estimate.
« Reply #63 on: June 27, 2019, 10:08:57 PM »
Frazier might have assumed he was being asked about the broken-down length of a M-14.

-- MWT  ;)

Or the bag could just have contained a neatly folded light coloured jacket with unidentified cleaning labels being useful to throw under a car at a parking lot.

Oswald would of course lie about it because Marina didn't know about the jacket.

« Last Edit: June 27, 2019, 10:11:01 PM by Jorn Frending »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Frazier's rifle length estimate.
« Reply #63 on: June 27, 2019, 10:08:57 PM »