"Mrs. MOONEYHAM estimated that it was about 4 to 5 minutes following the shots fired
by the assassin that she looked up towards the sixth floor of the TSBD and observed
the figure of a man standing in a sixth floor window behind some cardboard boxes."

Mooneyham doesn't specify she saw the man in the SN window.
The interval the panel refers to is between the taking of the Powell and Dillard photographs, and so has nothing to do with Mooneyham's obversation four to five minutes after that. The panel thought the sunlit boxes in the background seen in the open window in Powell were added to the scene when compared with the Dillard photograph take a minute before. But 3D demonstrates the sunlit boxes are the same in both photographs.

The box-rearrangment claim was the only conclusion in the HSCA Photographic Panel report that HSCA consultant Robert Groden didn't take issue with.
"Mooneyham doesn't specify she saw the man in the SN window."What she saw:
"h.41/2 to 5 minutes after shots she sees man standing behind some boxes on the 6th floor, TSBD."So who was it standing behind boxes on the 6th floor TSBD 4 1/2 to 5 minutes after the shots?
"But 3D demonstrates the sunlit boxes are the same in both photographs."No it doesn't.
The boxes were moved between the time Dillard took his photo of the window and Powell took his.
Just like the HSCA said.