Correction: What you should say is, "both photos were taken of................" the SAME HEAD.

No, it's always Kennedy. The HSCA did an extensive study on the authenticity of the Autopsy Photos and here is a few examples of their proof;
First of all they measured all the individual facial parts and by using photogrammetric rules they calculated the positions and distances between skin blemishes, creases, ears, eyes, neck, mouth, nose, chin etc.

For instance here's Kennedy's neck creases which line up from front to back.

And we also can see a random mark on Kennedy's back which is repeated in the top down photo.

When the entire set of autopsy photos is examined as a whole, like a jigsaw puzzle each photo has links in other photos.
Btw isn't getting some other guy and performing plastic surgery on him, then blowing his brains out a little extreme?