Here's one that shows that LEE did smile showing his teeth. (LEE's on the left.) (Which kinda blows your theory.) In fact, this one looks a lot like the one of him showing the lost tooth when he was younger:

Here's one that shows that LEE did smile showing his teeth. (LEE's on the left.)
Here's your HARVEY directly compared to LEE and they are the SAME person.
The ratio of eyes to cheekbones to facial muscles to ears to nose to lips to chin are totally consistent.
The ears considered to be like fingerprints are both exactly the same with the same position, shape and folds.

(Which kinda blows your theory.)
Ummm, what theory?
In fact, this one looks a lot like the one of him showing the lost tooth when he was younger:
Of course, they are the same person.
There is no missing teeth, in the following gif of the same person you're just seeing inside Oswald's mouth.

Btw every photo you've posted of Harvey and LEE are all the same person, Lee Harvey Oswald.