Who's who in the Zoo?
Could you post a photo of LEE next to HARVEY?
Why don't we stick to the topic? Thanks.
Btw isn't a patient dental chart supposed to show what's going on with your teeth like fillings, damage, prosthetics and etc?,
It depends upon the purpose of the chart. Oswald's record has two chart's. The one on the left is for charting thing's that need fixing or might need fixing. It states right above that chart that the following are to be charted:
"Caries, Dental Disease, Missing Teeth, Abnormalities." There is no need -- or request -- for charting other things. Like existing fillings, crowns, and prostheses.
The other chart on the form is for charting
Dental Treatments Accomplished
You know just in case of an unidentifiable Marine body the dental records can be used for identification but Oswald's dental record reflect that of an 18 year old man with reasonably good and no missing front teeth?
What you're talking about is a forensic chart. Oswald's chart is not a forensic chart.
A forensic chart is made by compiling data from as many existing dental records that can be found, and record the findings on a single chart. That's the forensic chart.

And while we're at it, if Oswald required Prosthetics wouldn't the dentist would write yes and then detail the work required?
No, because that is opposite of what the dentist is instructed to do.
The instructions on the chart are these:
PROSTHETIC REQUIRED? If "yes" explain briefly"It doesn't say to write "yes." It says to
explain if the answer is yes. It doesn't say to give details. It says to explain
