I'd like to see what a dentist who perhaps has some appropriate experience with the Marine's has to say?
Anyway I just had another fresh look and here's some observations and opinions.

1. A Marine's dental record is essential in establishing identity in case of death.
2. The first examination on the 27/3/58 was to give details of Oswald's teeth and differentiate him from the next Marine.
3. Oswald went back on the 30/4 and the 14/5 and on these two occasions had fillings for respectively #20 and #10.
4. On the chart any missing teeth would be noted.
5. If Oswald needed a prosthetic then that would be noted as a yes and the missing teeth number# and details of repair would be written.
6. Oswald saw the dentist on the 14/5 after the "failure" which was written as the 5/5 and the dentist did no prosthetic repairs?
7. Oswald left the Marines the next year in September 1959, why wouldn't he have his prosthetic fixed for free during those sixteen months?
8. But we are still left with "FAILED 5-5-58", something was described as "FAILED" that was dated between appointments? FIIK!