Strange that the later photo of Oswald (the one on the right) shows him with much thicker sideburns that the earlier one. How often does that happen?
And the younger Oswald has much larger ears than the older one on the right.
Strange that the later photo of Oswald (the one on the right) shows him with much thicker sideburns that the earlier one. How often does that happen?
Wow, your first attempt of refutation is that Oswald had a haircut!?
And the younger Oswald has much larger ears than the older one on the right.
As Bill has already mentioned Oswald's ears are 3D shapes and will have a different appearance due to the camera angle.
Another consideration is that the camera distance will also have a effect

But anyway enough of the petty observations and let's get down and dirty with how likely it is to find an exact double.

In the following comparison we see an Obama dead ringer that won a lookalike competition, in the here and now with access to such a large sample base finding close lookalikes must be far easier than the FBI/CIA searching for a double in the 1950's.

But a closer analysis shows a multitude of flaws, the eyes are a different distance apart, the ears are a different shape, the facial laugh lines show a different life, the cheekbones are higher, the forehead is wider and the overall head shape is not the same.

This Matt Damon impersonator is very close but again upon closer examination the differences are obvious.

The eyes again are a different distance apart, the ears go inwards, the lips are more poutier, the forehead has a bony protrusion, he has a broken nose, the front teeth are relatively moved about 2mm to his left and his chin is a lot wider.
Conclusion.Finding a double with the following level of precision would have to be impossible.
