While I remember, I'm still behind answering other threads ...

Some times we come across a simple fact which saves us time studying further about something which is more complicated.
I have stopped completely worrying about McMillan on Marina.
I'm not judging Marina in any way due to her particular circumstances.
About ten years ago or more when I was lurking on the lancer website I read a post by Debra Conway, the owner to the site.
She claimed to be a personal friend of Marina and that Marina had explained the reason for OSWALD TO POSSESS SEVERAL WALLETS which was the subject of the thread.
Well, Marina had explained that Oswald liked to place wallets at different locations and when people contacted him in order to return a wallet, Oswald and Marina would meet them and make friends.
Well, in case it would become necessary, Marina thus had a "plausible" explanation for Oswald's "multiple" wallets.
Perhaps Marina had been "coached" about what to say but it never became necessary. Then, by coincidence, years later and asked by Debra Conway, the story surfaces.
Since Debra Conway believed her, nobody on the website contested it.
Since then, personally I did not take further interest in Statements from Marina or McMillan on Marina ..., But that's just me of course.