Inquiring minds want to know: how does your conjecture about black-blob woman being Calvery lead to ANY conclusion about Oswald's guilt or lack thereof?
Your inferring that I was suggesting
that only goes to prove my point -- that you are deathly afraid that's Gloria Calvery wearing a black blouse, a black headscarf (and a mid-toned skirt with horizontal stripes in it) on the steps in Darnell because you know that if it is her, it would strongly suggest that Prayer Person isn't Oswald, after all, but instead the "Sarah" that Frazier said turned towards him (and he towards her) when they both heard a crying "girl," who had come to the steps, bellow out that JFK had been shot.
And you're so insecure in your belief that Oswald is innocent that you desperately want him up there next to Frazier in Darnell and in Wiegman to prove it, and so you irrationally deny that Sandy Larsen and I correctly identified Calvery, who was ideally placed during the motorcade to both 1) witness JFK's head getting blown off, and 2) getting to the steps within 25 seconds or so after that fatal headshot to bellow out that bit of news to the people standing on the steps, and to be "caught" on film either doing so, or very shortly thereafter, while people (most noticeably Frazier and Prayer Person) are still visibly reacting to the "news" she's brought.
Contrary to what you suggest, the two horizontal stripes in that woman's skirt isn't what led Sandy Larsen and I to "zoom in" on her in our quest to solve the long-standing mystery "Where's the Gloria Calvery that Shelley and Lovelady and Joe Molina said they spoke with on-or-near the steps so soon after the final shot?"
Rather, it was the combination of several facts that led us to her, including but not limited to: 1) no one had ever identified "on paper" the big tall gal wearing the black blouse and the black headscarf in Zapruder, 2) that gal was standing "shoulder-to-shoulder" with three other headscarf-wearing gals, the same number of female colleagues (including Calvery) at Southwestern Publishing who claimed in their FBI reports to have watched the motorcade together, 3) one of those three other headscarf-wearing gals in Zapruder was tallish and wearing all white (including headscarf), and in Darnell can very likely be seen right next to the big tall gal in question, perhaps even trying to breakup her conversation with the bald-headed man standing in front of her by attempting to "pull" her (the black-blouse and black-headscarf-wearing gal) up the steps with her.
The two horizontal stripes in that gals skirt is just "icing on the cake" in Larsen's and my correct identification of Calvery in Darnell.
Question: Is the gal we're talking about in Darnell (the black-blouse and black-headscarf-wearing gal to the immediate left of the gal all-in-white) "halfway up the steps" (as you claim) in Darnell, or is she on one of the lower steps?
Answer: She's on one of the lower steps, perhaps even the first one.
Regardless, even if she was halfway up the steps, what would it matter?
If that were the case, do you think the big, tall, black-blouse and black-headscarf-wearing gal in Zapruder wouldn't have had enough time to get that far in twenty-five seconds or so?
Your bringing up that lame "point" just shows how truly desperate you are, Iacoletti.
-- MWT