"he more or less faced the other side of the street and leaned forward" (see above)
"In slide No. 4 he was looking pretty much toward--straight ahead ... when the first shot was fired, she turned to the right toward him and he more or less slumped forward" (see above)
Jackie turns from looking to her left to looking to her right in the early Z170s. Willis was very close to Jackie by then and could see this clearly.
"When I took slide No. 4, the President was smiling and waving and looking straight ahead,
and Mrs. Kennedy was likewise smiling and facing more to my side of the street. When the
first shot was fired, her head seemed to just snap in that direction, and he more or less
faced the other side of the street and leaned forward" (WC testimony)
"Well, after having photographed the President on Main Street and on Houston Street and
then in front of the Depository Building on Elm Street I cocked my camera for another
picture and this loud shot went off and the first reaction was that could it be a crank or a
firecracker but it was so loud and of such a sound it had to be rifle so I became alarmed.
I was trying to take a picture at the moment and the reflex from the shot caused me to
take one of these pictures." (Shaw trial)
Where does she say that?
Not with this:
"They were gunning the motorcycles; there were these little backfires; there was one noise like that;
I thought it was a backfire. Then next I saw Connelly grabbing his arms and saying `no no no nonono,'
with his fist beating--then Jack turned and I turned--all I remember was a blue gray building up ahead;
then Jack turned back, so neatly; his last expression was so neat; he had his hand out, I could see a
piece of his skull coming off; it was flesh colored not white--he was holding out his hand--and I can see
this perfectly clean piece detaching itself from his head; then he slumped in my lap"
Everything specific Rosemary Willis and her parents say is substantiated by the Zapruder film. Phil Willis made a generalization about his most important slide being "instantaneous" with the first shot (or having captured Kennedy's reaction to the first shot which means the first shot occurred before he took his 05 slide). Willis was selling a slide set at the time.
This is good. Lots of useless posting trying to obscure the point. You realize there was never an early missed shot or you would not be deliberately misquoting these witnesses in an attempt to give the idea there was one.
Every Z frame is approximately 1 foot of travel
Willis photo The WC thought it was Z210, The HSCA thought it was Z202.
Betzner takes his photo at Z186 and is rewinding the camera and hears the first shot afterwards.
Mary Woodward places the shot after Z204, Her reference to 40 yards is after he passes her not before .
Woodward said the earsplitting noise happened after JFK turned forward not before and JFK does not turn forward until Z204+
Mary Woodward
"After acknowledging our cheers, he [JFK] faced forward again and suddenly there was a horrible, ear-splitting noise coming from behind us and a little to the right."
Jean Newman: the first shot occurs after he passes her. The Chisms standing a few yards further down Elm Street said the first shot occurred right before them.
Jackie is answering the question from Rankin, not describing the wounding of JBC.
Mr. RANKIN. "Do you have any recollection of whether there were one or more shots? is a description of the total number of shots."
Jackie: "Well, there must have been two because the one that made me turn around was Governor Connally yelling" Jackie in her WC statement dismisses the thought there was three shots and states there was only two
Mrs. KENNEDY. Well, there must have been two because the one that made me turn around was Governor Connally yelling. And it used to confuse me because first I remembered there were three and I used to think my husband didn't make any sound when he was shot. And Governor Connally screamed. And then I read the other day that it was the same shot that hit them both. But I used to think if I only had been looking to the right I would have seen the first shot hit him, then I could have pulled him down, and then the second shot would not have hit him. But I heard Governor Connally yelling and that made me turn around, and as I turned to the right my husband was doing this [indicating with hand at neck]. He was receiving a bullet. And those are the only two I remember.
And I read there was a third shot. But I don't know. Just those two
She could not have been any clearer on that point of two shots vs three shots. She references the medias influence the same as the WC and the HSCA.