"Identified herself" from the backside of a headscarf in Zapruder and in the Willis image, actually famous among buffs for being blurred, that includes virtually no facial features. That's heavy sure enough, but that air of self importance because of just being there and now, part of living history, is adorable no?
Well put, Barry.
How did Karen Westbrook "identify" herself in the Zapruder film 1) from behind, 2) at a considerable distance from from the camera, 3) while wearing a headscarf, 4) fifty-five years after the fact?
Answer: By confusing Gloria Holt's strawberry-blond hair with Gloria Calvery's dark red hair, and mistaking Sharon Simmon's "Baby Boy Blue"-colored headscarf for her own lighter-blue one.
Those two unfortunate juxtapositions evidently cast a voodoo spell on her, and smilin' and noddin' Stephen Fagin of the The Sixth Floor Museum certainly didn't help, and may have even pushed her in that direction.
-- MWT