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Author Topic: Where Were Jane Berry, Betty Thornton and Peggy Burney During the Motorcade?  (Read 47224 times)

Offline Denis Morissette

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I will try! Eventually.

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Online Royell Storing

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Please show us where Zapruder employee Peggy Burney, and Scott-Foresman colleagues Jane Berry and Betty Thornton were standing during the motorcade.

-- MWT  ;)

    At what point do you realize that your chain is being pulled?

Offline John Iacoletti

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Hint:  Unger and Roberdeau got it all wrong regarding those three in that they are totally confused about the identities of the four shoulder-to-shoulder headscarf-wearing gals in Zabruder.

...or Tommy is.

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Offline Thomas Graves

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...or Tommy is.


Do you still agree with Westwood-Pillbox that the black-haired, dark-complected gal next to "me, Karen Westbrook!" (i.e., "Gloria Calvery") in the Z-film is "probably (lily-white, brown-haired) Carol Reed," or do prefer the theory that self-described American Indian Stella Mae Jacob bailed on her two Texas School Book Company colleagues (Gloria Holt and Sharon Simmons) to join South-Western Publishing Company colleagues "Calvery and Westbrook" by the Stemmons sign, and that two of their colleagues, Carol Reed and Karan Hicks, bailed on them?

"Both, depending on the situation, Tommy."


-- MWT  ;)
« Last Edit: July 09, 2019, 10:36:21 PM by Thomas Graves »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Westbrook was there, you were not.


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Offline Thomas Graves

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Westbrook was there, you were not.



Yeah, "Pillbox" was there. 

Nearly 56 years ago, and with her colleagues Calvery, Hicks, and Reed (four gals in total).

But there are only three gals standing together by the Stemmons sign in the Zapruder film, and the one on the left has black hair and a dark complexion, just like an American Indian (e.g. Stella Mae Jacob) would have. 

(The two women to their left are Inez Juanita "June" Hart Dishong and her unnamed-by-her colleague from Higginbotham-Bailey.)

-- MWT   ;)

« Last Edit: July 09, 2019, 09:37:57 PM by Thomas Graves »

Offline Thomas Graves

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Serendipitously segueing this thread into what I've posted on another one ("Why Did The First Shot Miss?"), I've just now stumbled upon the FBI's 11/25/63 report regarding the observations of Mrs A. G. (Jane) Berry that says she was standing (with her colleague Betty Thornton on Elm Street in front of the TSBD, according to her 4/01/64 statement to the FBI) "just west of the building," and that as the limo was passing her, she heard the first of three shots ring out.

Which, if she was standing near the tip of the "island" or at the very base of Elm Street, would appear to jibe with what Amos Euins and Patricia Ann Lawrence (married name Donaldson) say in the excellent video, The Lost Bullet -- that the first shot ran out right after the limo had passed the black-and-white "Highway 80" signs on the "island".

--  MWT   ;)

« Last Edit: July 09, 2019, 10:07:11 PM by Thomas Graves »

Offline Thomas Graves

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Serendipitously segueing this thread into what I've posted on another one ("Why Did The First Shot Miss?"), I've just now stumbled upon the FBI's 11/25/63 report regarding the observations of Mrs A. G. (Jane) Berry that says she was standing (with her colleague Betty Thornton on Elm Street in front of the TSBD, according to her 4/01/64 statement to the FBI) "just west of the building," and that as the limo was passing her, she heard the first of three shots ring out.

Which, if she was standing near the tip of the "island" or at the very base of Elm Street, would appear to jibe with what Amos Euins and Patricia Ann Lawrence (married name Donaldson) say in the excellent video, The Lost Bullet -- that the first shot ran out right after the limo had passed the black-and-white "Highway 80" signs on the "island," and even more so if Berry (and Thornton) were standing on the Elm Street Extension sidewalk or in the curving line of spectators from the tip of the "island" to the Elm Street Extension curb.

--  MWT   ;)



-- MWT   ;)
« Last Edit: July 09, 2019, 11:53:08 PM by Thomas Graves »

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