The identification that Westbrook made of herself (who, as I keep reminding you, was THERE), while fallible, is more credible than "Tommy thinks it's somebody else".
Further attempts to insist you are correct with no actual evidence will be ignored.
Dear Iacoletti,
Please don't run away, now, foolishly believing that you've "won," and that it's "set in concrete" that Karen Westbrook Scranton was right in "identifying" herself and her friend and colleague, "Gloria Calvert" [sic], in the Zapruder film, from behind, and fifty-four years after-the-fact.
You haven't even answered any of my questions, yet.
For example, if the three gals near the Stemmons sign weren't self-described Amercan Indian Stella Mae Jacob and her two colleagues from the Texas School Book Company, Gloria Holt and Sharon Simmons, where, then,
were they during the motorcade?
Their FBI statements, all of which were probably written from a verbal "template" one of them had created in making her own statement to the FBI, have them situated exactly where Westbrook's "probably Carol Reed, Gloria Calvert [sic], and me, Karen Westbrook!" group was, standing, i.e., on the curb and about 50 yards down (from the TSBD) towards the Stemmons Expressway Underpass,
but incorrectly "placed"on the south side of the street, as can be readily verified by looking at the photos and films and realizing that there was no trio of women standing near the Babuska Lady, or Hill and Moorman,
or anywhere else, on the south side of Elm Street.
-- MWT

Thank you for finally admitting, though, that Westbrook was fallible in her "identifications," especially seein' as how she made them fifty-four years after-the-fact ... and from behind.