Everybody's fallible - even you (though you'll never admit it).
I've answered your questions repeatedly, you just don't like the answers. Which is why it's futile to engage in your broken record shtick.
Dear Iacoletti,
All you've done (for the most part) is come up with implausible assertions, objections and denials.
1) The black-blouse and black headscarf-wearing gal in Betzner-3 seems at first glance to be wearing glasses, but upon enlarging her face one can see that it's just a shadow, or a tree branch.
2) The gal on the left near the Stemmons sign in Zapruder-frame 60 (and the frames around it) only appears to have a dark complexion, due to over-saturation in the Costella Combined Edit Frames, despite the fact that at least three other spectators in said frames - Unger's and Roberdeau's "Maggie Brown, John Templin, and Ernest Brandt" - clearly have significantly lighter skin in it.
3) The three people on the Pergola Patio in the Towner clip aren't women, but men who are wearing very long bermuda shorts with long-sleeved upper garments in late November, or very high, flesh-colored cowboy boots.
4) The medium-blue thing (which is the same color as the headscarf "Karen Westbrook" is wearing) on or near the head of the person on the right in said Pergola Patio trio doesn't have to be a headscarf, it could very well be could be a balloon, or an umbrella, or a ......
5) It's reasonable to assume that although all of the seven gals in the two groups at issue (the Jacob, Holt and Simmons group, and the Calvery, Hicks, Reed and Westbrook group) told the FBI that they had walked with two (or three) of their colleagues to a general area down Elm Street to watch the motorcade, some of them did not stand sufficiently near other members of their group to be caught on film while watching the motorcade.
6) It's reasonable to assume that one of these two groups (the trio comprised of self-described American Indian Stella Mae Jacob and her colleagues, strawberry-blonde Gloria Holt and Sharron Simmons) is not visible in any of the photos or films taken that day.
7) It's reasonable to assume that the spectators in two particular groups did not actually stay in their respective group during the motorcade, but mingled with members
of the other group.
8 ) It's reasonable to assume that there were
two gals wearing black-blouses, black headscarves and mid-toned skirts watching the motorcade, and that there were
two gals dressed in white dresses and white headscarves watching the motorcade, and that they formed two black-white couples, but only one of these black-white couples was "caught" on Elm Street during the motorcade by Zapruder, as it was standing about a 20-second walk from the TSBD steps, and the other black-white couple was not caught in the Zapruder film during the motorcade, but was caught by Darnell about 20 seconds after the assassination, on the lower steps of the TSBD as they are evidently returning to that building, and it's just a coincidence that the first black-white couple is nowhere to be seen in any of the photos or films at this time (about 20 seconds after the assassination
or at any other time after that.
9) etc
-- MWT