Are you channeling Euins now? How do you know he's describing anything that's the "same as Oswald's"?>>> Euins channeled himself. Oswald's head is proof of the 2.5" similarity to the Euin description.
First you make an issue of your "witnesses" seeing a rifle at all (or what they thought was a rifle). When that wasn't unique enough, then you decide to make an "aimed at something" distinction. Nice special pleading.>>> Not so fast: The 'aiming at something' is in reference to your claim that Hill, etc saw shooters.
How would any witnesss know whether or not a "rifle" was being aimed at something?>>> Are you talking about your witnesses like Jean Hill saw/didn't see/didn't see/saw; or 'my' witnesses? Again, which of
your Jean Hill-type claimed witnesses saw anybody aiming (or even pointing) a weapon in the direction of the limo in such a way that would suggest an attempt on Kennedy was being made?
If memory serves", right? Actually, you have it backwards. But so what? Years later Brennan said he saw the president's head explode. The point is, you either recognize that witness testimony is unreliable or you don't. Gorillas playing basketball and all that.>>> Brennan died before his book was published. You're reliant on the ghost-writer being honest.
>>> Since you seem to be down with the notion that witness testimony is unreliable, can one now expect the 4 people including Jean Hill, 'saw'-shooters claims now fall into that 'unreliable' category?
Or are you just doing a little 'chest-pounding'