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Author Topic: Igor Vaganov...A Reserve Patsy?  (Read 3715 times)

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Igor Vaganov...A Reserve Patsy?
« on: October 15, 2019, 10:00:14 PM »
One report has Vaganov running around with his 'stepdaughter' and doesn't mention his wife.

Commission Document 14 - FBI Kitchel Report of 25 Nov 1963 re: Phone call Details ----

Dealey Plaza Echo---Who was Igor Vaganov?

From the (References & links to websites which contain pornographic images and/or abusive content directed at members of this Forum is strictly prohibited ) forum [Lee Farley guest blogger?]
It might be worth repeating that Jones Harris was near-certain that Igor Vaganov was the civilian who handed Croy the wallet, which turned out to have IDs for Lee Harvey Oswald and Alek Hidell. Vaganov is an exceedingly strange character and personally I endorse Harris' suspicion. This Latvian emigrant drove down from Pennsylvania to a few blocks from the Tippit murder, arriving on November 18 or 19. He had a .38 Colt Police Action Special revolver and a rifle, a 1962 red Thunderbird convertible and disappeared from his apartment about 12:45 PM on November 22. His frightened new bride handed over to FBI agents receipts for long distance calls made from Hapeville, Georgia, a torn in half King of Spades playing card, and a 3 x 3 piece of paper with the penciled notations EL 6-6111 ,      E. STRAZDS, 353-1539 ,     ARVIDS, JZAKS which I would guess represented a couple of mysterious associates and their phone numbers.

When Domingo Benavides testified before the Warren Commission, he claimed that a man in a red colored Ford had stopped and pulled over following the shooting, and that he never saw him get out of his car (WC Volume VI, page 463). During his interview with John Berendt from Esquire magazine, Benavides claimed that the car he had seen was red colored Ford with a white top, and that it came back to the Tippit murder scene a few minutes following the shooting (John Armstrong Baylor research collection, tab entitled: Igor Vaganov). Jack Tatum claimed that the car he was driving in when he arrived at the Tippit murder scene was a red colored 1964 model Ford Galaxie 500 (With Malice, Chapter 10). Whilst Myers readily accepts that the car Benavides had seen belonged to Jack Tatum, several researchers are of the opinion that it actually belonged to Igor Vaganov, who quite possibly played a role in Tippit's murder (see the thread entitled Igor Vaganov on John Simkin's Education Forum). Whilst this reviewer believes that the driver of the red Ford was quite possibly Igor Vaganov, it is also this reviewer's opinion that Tatum was quite likely pushed into saying that he was the man driving the red Ford to help dispel the notion that the car belonged to Vaganov. As for why Tatum wasn't coerced into coming forward sooner with his tale, this reviewer cannot offer an explanation. On a final note, Tatum may have been coerced into saying that Oswald was walking east to make it appear as though Tippit had stopped "Oswald" because he had turned around after seeing Tippit approaching in his squad car; just as Myers contends.
According to researcher Lee Farley, one of the two so-called "IBM men" was quite possibly Igor Vaganov (see the thread entitled Igor Vaganov on John Simkin's education forum). This reviewer believes that Vaganov was likely one of the two "IBM" men in the store, and that the purpose of these two men was to alert Brewer that they had seen a man enter the theater with a gun looking like he was trying to hide from the police, so that Brewer would then alert the theater staff to call the DPD in order for Oswald to be arrested.

DOB: 1939/1940 (?) POB: Latvia. 1940-45 lived in Germany. 1948/1949 came to USA. Spoke 4 languages. Employed by General Electric Credit Corp. branch outside Philadelphia. Boss was Joe Hart. Asked GE for transfer to Dallas in October 1963. Wife: Martha. "Married" Anne Dulin Nov. 1963 in South Carolina (?) en route to Dallas with 2-way radio, .38 pistol and rifle in red Thunderbird with white top. Benevides saw red Ford at scene of Tippit slaying. Anne Dulin's stepfather, Stan Cukowski, Village Green, PA HU 5-6321, called Conroe, TX juvenile officer that Vaganov, 25, and stepdaughter headed for Texas in GE auto where Vaganov claimed he had urgent business for next week. Anne's sister, Mrs. Jean Anthis, Conroe, TX, came to Dallas Nov 13-19 to get Anne because Vaganovs had quarrelled but they did not separate. 11/20/63 Vaganov got job at Texas Consumer Finance, 1310 Commerce for 1-1/2 days (Carousel Club is upstairs at 1312-1/2 Commerce).
CD 14, p. 10; CD 105, p. 142; CD 320, SS 745, p. 1 (12/23/63); Esquire Magazine, August 1967; FBI 124-10047-10374; Forgive My Grief II, Jones, p. 123
 August 1967 issues of ESQUlRE has a 12,000 word account on Igor "Turk" Vaganov. The article details how Mr. Vaganov, a credit manager in a branch of General Electric Corporation outside Philadelphia, requested a transfer to Dallas near the end of September, 1963. The magazine says "He asked again and was turned down again. During the month of October, Vaganov's entreaties to Joe Hart (his boss) became more frequent, more insistent, more obsessive."
When finally refused, Vaganov went to Dallas anyway arriving November 12, 1963.
While in Dallas Vaganov worked for two and one half days. The two days work was done for Texas Consumer Finance Corporation which was located on the first floor of 1310 Commerce Street in Dallas. The magazine innocently adds: "One of the researchers thought it significant, it might be added, that the office where Vaganov went to apply for the job is at 1310 Commerce Street, a few doors down from Jack Ruby's nightclub, The Carousel."
The magazine could not tell the entire truth. The Consumer Finance Company was on the first floor while the Carousel Club was on the second floor of the two story building.
This writer has information that Jack Ruby "hung out" in the office of the Texas Consumers Finance Company, below his club, and quite frequently took their male empIoyees upstairs for coffee. The same informant also notified us that Lee Harvey Oswald worked for Texas Consumers Finance for "several weeks."
Although Vaganov left Dallas the next day after the assassination to return to Philadelphia, the magazine nevertheless concludes that it was nothing more than a strange set of coinidences.

I think that it's possible that Mr. and Mrs. Sharpe, the owner's of the Sunset Motel, were providing an alibi for Vaganov under intimidation. Later in the afternoon he drove Anne to Tenth and Patton, and then across the Trinity River and toured the assassination site. When they arrived back at the Sunset Motel around 4:30 p.m., two FBI agents were waiting to interrogate him. After two hours , having checked Vaganov's rifle and pistol and looked in his car, the two agents left.

Joan Anthis collected her sister, Anne, and took her to her home around 3:00 a.m on the 23rd. Vaganov

departed the motel before sunrise and headed back to Philadelphia alone. Anne had served her purpose, and the bottom line was that everything that Vaganov had told the FBI agents, was checked by them right

away by telephone and verified. The rifle and pistol were examined by them and found to have not been recently fired. To me it was all too neat a scenario. It seemed as though he wanted to be highlighted as a suspect, so that he would be immediately investigated and then cleared.. and that's precisely what occurred on the afternoon of the 22nd. On Sunday he was back in Philadelphia. He remained in Philadelphia very briefly,parked his red Thunderbird in a friend's garage, picked-up a Sting Ray, and drove back to Texas. He went to see Anne at her sister's residence and persuaded her to return to Dallas with him. She did, for two days. By early December she had taken the train back to Philadelphia, and he had also returned. He got rid of the Sting Ray, picked-up the Thunderbird and drove to Atlanta. There he lived for a while with his first wife, Martha, who had "died in an auto crash with their child"... at least that's what he had told Anne....... Researcher Ed O'Hagen
And that's all I can find right now.

JFK Assassination Forum

Igor Vaganov...A Reserve Patsy?
« on: October 15, 2019, 10:00:14 PM »