I have never seen a statement. I always thought that was incredible to wait for four days given his location. The same with Jarman waiting two days. You would think they had to be talking to someone.
Williams provided a statement the afternoon of the assassination because Fritz instructed Senkel to round up all those who had been on the 6th floor that morning. Interestingly Norman and Frazier, who had both been on that floor, somehow avoided that trip to City Hall.
I believe Williams was interviewed again on the SaPersonay, Jarman also provided a brief statement on that day also. Williams was relatively new to the TSBD, having been transferred to the building just a few weeks previously. Jarman and Norman did not even know his full name. Williams had no phone at home and from memory neither did Norman. In the weekend following the assassination it is doubtful that the three men might have communicated. The likely time they compared stories before the Monday was in the hour or so between the shots and the time Williams was taken to City Hall. Jarman and Williams left the TSBD before he returned.
As some will know by now, until they testified before the WC, Jarman and Norman consistently claimed that Williams accompanied them up in the elevator to the 5th floor. However by the SaPersonay, Williams had already began modifying his story to accomodate a trip to the sixth floor before joining them.