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Author Topic: About coincidences  (Read 8309 times)

Offline Louis Earl

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About coincidences
« on: July 14, 2019, 03:09:58 PM »
This is not an argument for guilt or innocence, just an observation. 

I’ve always been interested in how many coincidences are involved in this case. Maybe what seems strange to me is just par for the course.   
A month before the assassination, through friends of his landlord,  LHO learns of a job opening in a warehouse that ends up being located at the end of the presidential motorcade, precisely above a sharp hairpin turn which will necessarily slow the limo to a crawl.  Yeah we know that really looks weird but that’s the way it happened.  We know it happened that way because Oswald is guilty and it had to have happened that way for him to be guilty.

His rifle, when new, wasn’t much of a rifle.  It was fitted with a scope by the dealer, then shipped to Dallas.  There is no evidence anyone ever professionally sighted the scope.  Using this rifle, with decades old ammo, with a lousy scope, he turns in a feat of marksmanship which the FBI’s best, under no stress, and with the scope properly sighted, had a hard time duplicating.  Yeah we know that really looks weird but that’s the way it happened.  We know it happened that way because Oswald is guilty and it had to have happened that way for him to be guilty.

Some of the Parkland personnel who viewed the wound up close described it as a blow out of the back of the head.  The guy who held the head while the body was placed in the casket said he could feel the wound in the back of the head through the sheets.  The official autopsy photos show the back of the head intact.  Yeah we know that really looks weird but that’s the way it happened.  We know it happened that way because Oswald is guilty and it had to have happened that way for him to be guilty.

A virtually pristine bullet is found on a stretcher at the hospital and supplies the only link between the rifle and the wounds.  The only other bullets recovered are shattered into tiny, mangled fragments, completely useless for ballistic testing. Yeah we know that really looks weird but that’s the way it happened.  We know it happened that way because Oswald is guilty and it had to have happened that way for him to be guilty.

LHO allegedly touched up to 19 shells he used in his rifle and pistol on November 22nd; some were discharged and some were not.  Neither the DPD nor the FBI could lift any of his fingerprints from any of the shells.  Yeah we know that really looks weird but that’s the way it happened.  We know it happened that way because Oswald is guilty and it had to have happened that way for him to be guilty.

After the shooting, LHO walked away from the TSBD before boarding a city bus that took him back toward the crime scene.  A passenger on the bus was a former landlady of LHO who stated she recognized him.  Of all the buses in downtown Dallas at 12:30 in the afternoon LHO had to get on the one that carried someone who could identify.  Yeah we know that really looks weird but that’s the way it happened.  We know it happened that way because Oswald is guilty and it had to have happened that way for him to be guilty.

After the shooting and the bus ride, LHO grabbed a taxi (after graciously offering it to a woman) which let him off near his boarding house.  He entered, stayed a minute, then was seen by the housekeeper walking toward the bus stop on Zangs Blvd.  He then walked back in the general direction of his boarding house and eventually, a mile away, crossed paths with a Dallas police man and killed him. Ninety seconds either way and there would have been no rendezvous.  Yeah we know that really looks weird but that’s the way it happened.  We know it happened that way because Oswald is guilty and it had to have happened that way for him to be guilty.

One of the doctors at the autopsy used his finger to probe a bullet wound in JFK’s back and followed up with a metal probe.  Neither probe located a through and through channel.  The Warren Commission concluded that the entrance was in the bottom of the neck and not the back and that the bullet went through the president and exited his throat.  Yeah we know that really looks weird but that’s the way it happened.  We know it happened that way because Oswald is guilty and it had to have happened that way for him to be guilty.

There is a shallow entry hole in JFK’s back, which would explain how a fully intact bullet appeared on his stretcher, considering the Parkland staff administered vigorous chest massage.  But wait, the bullet was on the stretcher of the other guy who received several wounds to bones. Yeah we know that really looks weird but that’s the way it happened.  We know it happened that way because Oswald is guilty and it had to have happened that way for him to be guilty.

A physician with much experience in treating bullet wounds described the throat wound as an entrance.  He performed a tracheotomy at the site of the wound.  Witnesses say the surgical wound was so small it “closed up” when the trach tube was removed.  The autopsy photo shows a huge throat wound, the size of a plum.  Yeah we know that really looks weird but that’s the way it happened.  We know it happened that way because Oswald is guilty and it had to have happened that way for him to be guilty.

The police make multiple searches of the Paine residence but don’t see a book given by Paine to Marina.  Later, Paine decides to be a good friend and has the book taken to Marina and gosh what a surprise inside is a note that provides the only physical evidence that ties LHO to the Walker shooting. Yeah we know that really looks weird but that’s the way it happened.  We know it happened that way because Oswald is guilty and it had to have happened that way for him to be guilty.

A blowhard big shot wanna-be with a pistol walks in off the street at just the right instant and murders LHO.  Yeah we know that really looks weird but that’s the way it happened.  We know it happened that way because Oswald is guilty and it had to have happened that way for him to be guilty.

One of the few aspects of LHO’s personality that most who knew him agree on is that the was a quiet and often polite man.  Buell Frazier said that Oswald would rarely talk to him unless Frazier asked him about his children.   Oswald boards a bus in New Orleans bound for Mexico City.  On the bus, the normally taciturn LHO chats up fellow travelers and tells them he is going to Mexico City to get a visa to visit Cuba, in other words he is going to Mexico City to circumvent the United State’s ban on travel from the US to Cuba.  Yeah we know that really looks weird but that’s the way it happened.  We know it happened that way because Oswald is guilty and it had to have happened that way for him to be guilty.

Oswald goes to a foreign embassy in Mexico City.  The CIA photographs a man it claims is LHO.  It is not LHO and 55 years later they still cannot produce a photo of LHO in Mexico City.  Yeah we know that really looks weird but that’s the way it happened.  We know it happened that way because Oswald is guilty and it had to have happened that way for him to be guilty.

Many people saw the president’s wounds.  These include his wife, Agent Hill, nurses and physicians at Parkland, the Dallas funeral home people, the military at Bethesda who removed the body from the casket, physicians and radiologists and their assistants and photographers at Bethesda, and employees of the Gawler funeral home.  There is a substantial discrepancy among their descriptions of the wounds and well as discrepancies between the descriptions and the official autopsy photographs. Yeah we know that really looks weird but that’s the way it happened.  We know it happened that way because Oswald is guilty and it had to have happened that way for him to be guilty.

In the immediate aftermath of the assassination, people in Dallas came forward and told of random meetings with LHO.  These included a car salesman, a truck driver, women in a furniture store, and a man and his son at a shooting range.   There are 2 common characteristics of these meetings:  the normally quiet and polite LHO was belligerent and called attention to himself, and he made remarks that would later be viewed as incriminating.  But, the Warren Commissions disregarded all of this testimony based on the certainty that LHO was at work at the TSBD on those days so this loudmouth could not have been LHO.   Did the Commission never stop to think that the fact it could not have been LHO is precisely the point?  Yeah we know that really looks weird but that’s the way it happened.  We know it happened that way because Oswald is guilty and it had to have happened that way for him to be guilty.

Wes Frazier drove LHO to work that day and stated that LHO had with him a paper sack that was thin, like a sack from a dime store.  The bag the DPD identified as the bag that contained the rifle was large and assembled from heavy butcher paper used at the TSBD to package and ship books.  Yeah we know that really looks weird but that’s the way it happened.  We know it happened that way because Oswald is guilty and it had to have happened that way for him to be guilty.


JFK Assassination Forum

About coincidences
« on: July 14, 2019, 03:09:58 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: About coincidences
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2019, 06:34:08 PM »
The general LN consensus is that Oswald missed the car on the first shot, missed the President's head on the second and caught the head by half-an-inch on the third.

Assumes without evidence that the shooter was necessarily aiming at Kennedy's head.

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: About coincidences
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2019, 08:24:59 PM »

This is not an argument for guilt or innocence, just an observation. 

I’ve always been interested in how many coincidences are involved in this case. Maybe what seems strange to me is just par for the course.   

What inspired you to start a new thread on the topic of coincidences?  Anyway, I planned to post the following research results on the EXISTING thread on the topic of coincidences, so now I will probably post these details to both coincidence threads....,1330.0.html
Can the divide / debate amount to each side elevating favorite coincidences?

In a recent thread on the topic of how a defense of Oswald could be presented in a criminal trial if the DPD had protected his life to afford him the opportunity, I pointed out that consecutive Navy secretaries, Connally in 1959 and Korth in 1969, reportedly lost recently married daughters to self inflicted 20 gauge shotgun wounds, as did reportedly DeMohrenschildt die of self induced 20 gaugeITIS in 1977. It gets much wierder...

Connally's successor as Navy Secretary is afforded a wider wikipedia "leash" but not when the subject is the matter of Korth's daughter
going out the same way as Kathleen Connally Hale (and George DeM, too!).... self inflicted 20 gauge! (See 1969 article image @ bottom of post) Verita Korth death certificate indicates no autopsy was performed and time of coroner inquest is 2-1/2 hours after time of death!
So much for any thorough investigation!

We know what happened to Bobby Hale, Connally's widowed by 20 gauge shotgun, son-in-law. He ended up in a prison in Alaska, dying behind bars of a terminal illness.

But what was the fate of Korth son-in-law, Alexander Sheshunoff?

Francis H. Cabot, 86, Dies; Created Notable Gardens
November 27, 2011

...Mr. Cabot, who retired from Train, Cabot in 1976, was chairman of the New York Botanical Garden from 1973 to 1976. His other horticultural posts include distinguished adviserships to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden and the Royal Botanical Gardens in Burlington, Ontario.

Besides his son, Mr. Cabot is survived by his wife, Anne Perkins Cabot,(granddaughter of George Merck and of JP Morgan partner George W Perkins) whom he married in 1949; ...

June, 1959, George O'Neill, son-in-law of David Milton and his Rockefeller wife, is named as a director at Bell Helicopter in the same announcement as the promotion of Walter Dornberger to Bell V.P.

April, 1960, Equity Corp. sells its controlling interest in Bell to Textron
June, 1960, Fred Korth appointed as a Bell director.

In 1963, O'Neill joined Train, Cabot.: (linked to cached version, click on Background)
George D. O'Neill: Executive Profile & Biography - Bloomberg
...Mr. George D. O'Neill is the Founder of Meriwether Capital, L.L.C. He has been active in the firm since its inception in 1976. Prior to this, Mr. O'Neill held various positions with several financial institutions including Train, Cabot & Associates, Equity Corporation, and Chase Manhattan Bank. He has served as a Director of many companies including Rockefeller Group, Inc., Bell Aircraft, and Wheelabrator. Mr. O'Neill was also the Chairman at BPU Reynolds, Inc. He was ......

Alexander Austin Sheshunoff v. Gabrielle Martha Sheshunoff ...
Jul 29, 2005 - Gabrielle Martha Sheshunoff — Brought to you by Free Law Project, ... to execute the Agreement solely for estate and tax-planning purposes ...

Dutch Envoy's Texas Bride Is All Business, Bliss and Charm
Apr 29, 2013 - Dutch Ambassador Rudolf Bekink and Gabrielle de Kuyper ... to U.S. states such as Texas, where Gabrielle was a longtime resident of Austin.

George Blake Cabot 14 Nov 1939 – 12 Jan 1971

Quincy De Cabot unknown (1967) – 12 Jan 1971

Francis H Cabot's (see Nov., 2011 Cabot NYTimes obit, above) father, Francis H Cabot Jr of Virginia (1896 - 1956) was the brother of George Bonner Cabot (died Salisbury, CT, 1977), the father of George Blake Cabot and father-in-law of Gabrielle de Kuyper Cabot, who married the widower of Verita Korth Cabot (shotgun suicide, May 1, 1969) in 1971.....
Francis Higginson Cabot
BIRTH   13 Feb 1896
Staten Island, Richmond County (Staten Island), New York, USA
DEATH   4 Feb 1956 (aged 59).....

Biographical note
John P.C. Train was born 25 May 1928 in New York City to Arthur Train, a district attorney in New York City and author of the popular ?Ephraim Tutt? stories that appeared in the SaPersonay Evening Post in the 1930s and 1940s, and Helen Coster Gerard, daughter of JP Morgan partner Charles Henry Coster. He attended the Groton School, a college preparatory boarding school located in Groton, Massachusetts. He later attended Harvard University where he received his bachelor?s degree and master?s degree and was head of The Harvard Lampoon and the Signet Society.

In 1953, he co-founded and became the first managing editor of The Paris Review. He then set up a credit-rating agency in Greece, a consulting firm in Costa Rica, and a tire-retreading company in Guinea before serving in the Army Reserves as a Sergeant and first Lieutenant and then working in Wall Street. In 1958, he founded the New York investment firm Train, Cabot, and Associates, later Train, Smith Counsel, and currently Train, Babcock Advisors. During this period, he became principle owner of Chateau Malescasse, a Cru Bourgeois wine producer. He is also chairman of the Montrose Group, investment advisors and tax accountants, and is a director of a emerging markets mutual fund.
John Train is the Tom Devine associate at 375 Park Ave., two weeks after Oswald allegedly attempted to assassinate Gen. Edwin Walker.

Tom Devine entered M.I.T. in 1944, residing in the Sigma Chi house with 16 fraternity brothers including Priscilla Johnson CIA overseer in 1963,
Garry Coit.

Recently I presented a link clearly supporting that Cogswell was close to Richard Ober from childhoods in Scarsdale.
It was Cogswell who alerted HSCA to his friend Joseph Dryer's firsthand knowledge of George DeM....

General Discussion & Debate / Re: That "whole Bay of Pigs thing"
« by Tom Scully on June 30, 2019, 06:23:25 PM »
......  from F Scott Fitzgerald's literary agent, Harold Ober. Cogswell attended Phillips Exeter at the same  ............  as Ober's son, Richard, the future CIA agent close to  ............  parents in the form of Fitzgerald's agent, Harold Ober, and his wife, Anne. She attended Vassar, wrote  ............  confirmation the Cogswells were familiar with the Obers for 5+ years. Earlier today, Eureka! James (Jack  ............  Jake) K Cogswell III, Richard Ober, and Nick Katzenbach all simultaneously attended  ............  Greece. Patsy Southgate, maid of owner in Nathan Ober wedding in image below, married Guinzberg Yale  ............  CIA) wedding, as was the sister-in-law of Richard Ober of CIA. Usher Thomas Guinzburg would later hire  ......

Fred Korth was forced to resign in fall 1963 as Navy secretary, due in no small part to Gilpatric's questionable dealings with General Dynamics
and Bell.
February 7, 1964
Sen subcom scores ex-Sec Gilpatric award of X-22 Vertical/Short takeoff and Landing ... GILPATRIC'S ROLE ON PLANE SCORED; Senators Question Decision on ...

Gilpatric, his brother,  and John McCloy summered on Mt Desert Island, ME with the Rockefeller children....
Chadbourne Gilpatric, Foundation Aide, 74 - The New York Times
Feb 3, 1989 - Chadbourne Gilpatric, a retired official of the Rockefeller Foundation, died Wednesday after undergoing surgery at the Eastern Maine Medical ...

Tom Devine's maternal grandmother (Louise Wolcott Hooker Dodge) was a first cousin of Elon Hooker, maternal grandfather of former US Senator John D Rockefeller IV.:

Blanchette Ferry Hooker was born in Manhattan, New York on October 2, 1909. She was the daughter of Elon Huntington Hooker, founder of Hooker Electrochemical Company, and his wife, Blanche Ferry of Detroit, whose family owned the F M Ferry Seed Company....Mother of Senator John D Rockefeller 4.
She died in New York City of pneumonia, a complication of Alzheimer's Disease, on November 29, 1992, at the age of 83.

Fred Korth married Beto's maternal grandma in 1980. Beto knew Korth!

Frederick Herman “Fred” Korth
BIRTH   9 Sep 1909
Yorktown, DeWitt County, Texas, USA
DEATH   14 Sep 1998 (aged 89)
El Paso, El Paso County, Texas, USA....

Ted Cruze campaign oppo research did not go very deep, but it does make the point that the daughter of the woman Fred Korth married in
1980 was likely involved in money laundering and that she is the mother of Beto ORourke.:
Ted Cruz uses Beto O’Rourke’s mother’s tax fraud case to attack tax policy
By Alejandra Matos Updated 5:33 pm CDT, Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Cruz alleges that O’Rourke was financially connected “to this criminal activity” because O’Rourke and his mother co-owned the shopping center where the store was located in west El Paso.

O’Rourke’s campaign declined to comment, referring instead to statements O’Rourke made to the El Paso Times Wednesday. He said the case has long been resolved, and that he has not concealed anything related to the case.......
KORTH. Charlotte Williams Korth, 82, (7 January, 2003) passed away Tuesday morning at her home. Charlotte Brooks was born and raised in Racine, Wisconsin and later moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico, where she met her first husband Robert L. Williams. She and Robert moved to El Paso where they raised three children and started the furniture store that bears her name. She was known nationally as a leading interior designer and Charlotte's Furniture Store is still regarded as one of the premier furniture stores in the Southwest. In 1980 she married Fred Korth, former Secretary of the U.S. Navy. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Robert L. Williams and her second husband, Fred Korth; her sister Betty Miller, her brothers, Lewis, Edward and Robert Brooks and her son- in-law Pat F O'Rourke....
« Last Edit: July 15, 2019, 02:51:36 AM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: About coincidences
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2019, 08:24:59 PM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: About coincidences
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2019, 09:37:47 PM »
Assumes without evidence that the shooter was necessarily aiming at Kennedy's head.

 ;) Yeah, he was aiming all shots at the road, but in being such a crappy shot he missed twice and nailed JFK by mistake.

I'd be aiming center-mass
That would be including the upper body
The twofer hit is evidence of a successful center-mass intent.

« Last Edit: July 14, 2019, 09:57:24 PM by Bill Chapman »

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: About coincidences
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2019, 10:06:05 PM »
;) Yeah, he was aiming all shots at the road, but in being such a crappy shot he missed twice and nailed JFK by mistake.

I'd be aiming center-mass
That would be including the upper body
The twofer hit is evidence of a successful center-mass intent.

I make the effort to support what I post. You make the effort to obscure the all too rare well supported content posted in the threads on this forum. I am not informed by your inadequately supported opinions. Is anyone, or are you performing the service of confirming the bias of other posters who elect to drive but never look under the hood?

IOW, have you persuaded yourself you are immune from the predictable effect of learning?
Belief in Jesus Christ as Savior: absolutely necessary Diploma students: 100%  1st yr. Masters of Divinity: 85%  Final year Masters of Divinity: 60% PhD/Th.M: 59%

Among Selected Students in The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary by Noel Wesley Hollyfield, Jr. Each of the three professors would later lead attacks on the Conservative movement in the SBC, especially Hinson. Called the Hollyfield Thesis, the research asked three questions about the beliefs of students in each program and discovered a disturbing trend. The professors’ approval of this thesis did tremendous harm to liberal control of the convention. The research showed Southern Baptists that they were paying to have professors destroy the faith of those who attended their seminaries. A revolt by the conservative majority would soon be afoot.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2019, 12:15:25 AM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: About coincidences
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2019, 10:06:05 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: About coincidences
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2019, 11:41:44 PM »
;) Yeah, he was aiming all shots at the road, but in being such a crappy shot he missed twice and nailed JFK by mistake.

True to form:  sarcasm presented instead of anything substantive.

I'd be aiming center-mass
That would be including the upper body
The twofer hit is evidence of a successful center-mass intent.

No, all this is evidence of is your own conformation bias.

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: About coincidences
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2019, 01:09:42 AM »
True to form:  sarcasm presented instead of anything substantive.

No, all this is evidence of is your own conformation bias.

Something 'substantive' about a shooter aiming elsewhere needs to accompany such a ridiculous suggestion.

And your conformation confirmation bias is in full flower every time you open your yap.. calling everything you disagree with 'excuses' or 'explanations'.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2019, 06:35:59 PM by Bill Chapman »

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: About coincidences
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2019, 01:23:21 AM »

Godfrey Anderson Rockefeller, Sr. (1924 – 22 January 2010) was the eldest son of Godfrey Stillman Rockefeller and Helen Rockefeller née Gratz.

Like his father Godfrey Stillman, Godfrey Anderson Rockefeller was born in New York City and grew up to attend Yale University, at the same time as family friend George H. W. Bush,[1] this after first attending Phillips Academy Andover. Joining the United States Marine Corp, he served in both World War II and the Korean War, achieving the rank of Major Aviator Pilot.[2]

Godfrey then spent twenty five years in the commercial helicopter industry, working for Bell Helicopters and being hired as Chief Pilot, with Peter Wright, Sr. recalling him once landing a 32 foot Bell 47 on a 40 foot wide tennis court "because he did not want to ruin the lawn!"[2] He was President and Chairman of the Helicopter Association of America, now known as the Helicopter Association International, in 1968, and also belonged to the American Helicopter Society, being a member since 1952 and belonging to its Gold Circle Club.[2]....

Widow musta had ice water in her veins.... she married widower Sheshunoff (aka Korth son in law) later in the same year this happened.:

I make the effort to support what I post. You make the effort to obscure the all too rare well supported content posted in the threads on this forum. I am not informed by your inadequately supported opinions. Is anyone, or are you performing the service of confirming the bias of other posters who elect to drive but never look under the hood?

IOW, have you persuaded yourself you are immune from the predictable effect of learning?
Belief in Jesus Christ as Savior: absolutely necessary Diploma students: 100%  1st yr. Masters of Divinity: 85%  Final year Masters of Divinity: 60% PhD/Th.M: 59%


Something 'substantive' about a shooter aiming elsewhere needs to accompany such a ridiculous suggestion.

And your conformation confirmation bias is in full flower every time you open your lap... calling everything you disagree with 'excuses' or 'explanations'.

In a thread on the topic of coincidences, now you resort to projecting....

Puppet? I'm no puppet. You're the puppet!

..... The professors’ approval of this thesis did tremendous harm to liberal control of the convention. The research showed Southern Baptists that they were paying to have professors destroy the faith of those who attended their seminaries. A revolt by the conservative majority would soon be afoot.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2019, 02:59:15 AM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: About coincidences
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2019, 01:23:21 AM »