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Author Topic: Is J Simkin 2000's Penn Jones? I am asking because LNs seem out to lunch?  (Read 9229 times)

Offline Tom Scully

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In the recently resurrected Kilgallen thread, I proved Kilgallen "biographer" Lee Israel, had crapped all over Simkin's forum. (If the poster Simkin introduced as Lee Israel, was in fact, Lee Israel!)
My warnings were ignored, at the time in 2012, and since, despite Lee Israel's exposure as a criminal forger. There is no policy at that
forum or the Spartacus biography pages to update or to disclaim. The result is nurturing of suspicion by misinfo. The stated goal is steady turn out of new Spartacus pages.... content to attract eyeballs at the expense of accuracy. Penn Jones was motivated to create and sell content via his local newspaper and book authorship BUSINESSES. The result of both of these prolific authors of successive generations is evident in every CT oriented forum and website. ( recently featured misinfo presented by author Peter Janney...)

I have volunteered as a moderator of comments submitted to both the Simkin and the forums. I got "sucked in" late, not until 2008.
My firsthand experience included being old enough to react to assassin Ruby, on the 24th, with profound concern. My only bias beyond that was the emotional shred from seeing JFK in person in 1962, riding by in an open car illuminated by a brilliant autumn sunset. It was not hard to plug that memory into the nightmare visuals of the Z film, a year later. When you are on the cusp of teenhood, a year is more like a decade seems, in the current stage of life. Almost five years passed; the losses of RFK and MLK, Jr descended in quick succession. Resistance to the war detoured me until 1977. Career and family life delivered me finally into the lap of the affordable PC, dial-up modem, gopher, Alta Vista, Lycos, and Excite search portals. 2008 and yet another election hinging on the outcome of illegal, avoidable war. An article was published, titled "Mr. Obama's Neighborhood".

Mr. Obama's neighborhood - Magazine - Jerusalem Post (Originially published in 2008 in Jerusalem Post.)
Feb 15, 2010 - Traveling from the soaring skyscraper of Crown's General Dynamics .... "I said to him, 'Mr. Obama, someday you will be vice president of the United States. .... committed Jews support him, Lester Crown and Alan Solow among ...
Quite familiar with General Dynamics, I was entirely unfamiliar with Lester or his father, Henry.

I dove in, probably much too deeply, in hindsight. In 1957, Earl Warren's daughter, Virginia, was associated closely enough with dramatically older (than her) Henry Crown partner, Conrad Hilton, there was speculation in print that marriage was looming. A year later, Virginia married the middleaged host of "What's My Line" John C Daly.

A Simkin authored excerpt.: (preceded by a section with an emphasis on sexual themed gossip about DC pols generally and JFK particularly.)

This is sourced from a directly competing business (5 - NY Post quote) of the business Dorothy worked for.....
Famous Crimes  > Dorothy Kilgallen
(13) Lee Israel, Kilgallen (1979)
During one of her (Kilgallen’s) visits - sometime in March, before the verdict – she prevailed upon Joe Tonahill to make arrangements through Judge Brown for a private interview with Jack Ruby......
(5) New York Post (28th April, 1960)
In recent months she (Dorothy Kilgallen) has often been in the company of singer Johnnie Ray, a troubled young man whose career suffered serious setbacks in the past few years. Her relationship to Ray has been described - there has never been a hint of anything else - as "maternal and protective," and sometimes her maternal instinct is positively fierce.

"I saw her at the Waldorf with Ray," a friend recalled. "She left the table for a moment and some young, pretty girl usurped her chair and proceeded to tell Ray how good she thought he was. Dorothy came back, flew at the girl telling her to 'Keep your hands off my escort and leave the table.' It was the only time I ever saw her lose her temper in public."

"It's an odd relationship - but it's certainly antiseptic," said society photographer Jerome Zerbe. "Ray is rather an insecure person and she gives him security and companionship. And he's an excellent escort for her - her husband is busy so many evenings. It's one of those relationships that is mutually satisfactory."...

(21) Donald Nolen, review of Lee Israel, Kilgallen, Amazon (14th January, 2004)
So posterity needs to evaluate each mysterious death according to how plausible the murder theory is. Lee Israel puts in this book some evidence that a broken love affair with Johnnie Ray and the fall of the Hearst newspaper empire gave Dorothy Kilgallen trouble sleeping, and she could have mixed barbiturates with booze. But Lee also details the strange circumstances of Dorothy's death.....
(15) William Penn Jones, The Midlothian Mirror (November 25, 1965)
I have a concern for the strange things happening in America in recent months....
(16) William Penn Jones, Volume I: Forgive My Grief (1966)
Now we can add to that list of strange deaths that of Miss Dorothy Kilgallen...
(18) William Penn Jones, Volume II: Forgive My Grief (1967)
Tom Howard knew too much from Ruby and he knew too well how the Dallas power structure and Police Department worked. Howard had to die....
Thursday, 27 October 2016
Johnnie Ray
After Frank Sinatra, and before Elvis and the Beatles, there was an unlikely pop idol - gangly, effete and adorned with a clumsy hearing aid who was met at airports by screaming girls who tore the clothes from his limbs. This man was gay and his name was Johnnie Ray.

.....Despite her knowledge of the solicitation arrest, Marilyn Morrison, daughter of the owner of West Hollywood's Mocambo nightclub, married Ray at the peak of his American fame. Aware of Ray's sexuality, Morrison told a friend she would "straighten it out." The couple separated in 1953 and divorced in 1954.

Ray went to trial following the second arrest in 1959, also in Detroit, for soliciting an undercover officer in a bar called the Brass Rail, which has been described variously as attracting traveling musicians and attracting gay people.

Dorothy Kilgallen, a close friend of Johnnie, who was nationally known for her syndicated newspaper column, The Voice of Broadway, and her role as panelist on the television game show "What's My Line", was a strong support for Ray during the solicitation trial in Detroit in December 1959, possibly communicating by telephone with the district attorney or judge.

Ray's fate was decided by a jury composed entirely of older women, one of whom ran to Ray to console him when he fainted upon hearing the 'not guilty' verdict. In the 60s, Ray had a long-term relationship with his manager, Bill Franklin.

Eventually the success waned, helped along by the ugly rumors and the bad publicity. One of his most loyal audiences was found in England, where he appeared many times. When Elvis arrived and eclipsed everything before him, Johnnie Ray returned to the bars and lounges, making a comfortable living.

In 1960, Ray was hospitalized after contracting tuberculosis. He was also battling with alcoholism, but in the mid 60s he made a real attempt to sober up. In 1965, he was 38 years old when he was emotionally devastated by the death of close friend Dorothy Kilgallen, but managed to stay sober despite his grief.

He began to regain his health. Shortly after he returned to the United States from a European concert tour that he headlined with Judy Garland, an American doctor informed him that he was well enough to drink an occasional glass of wine. Ray resumed drinking heavily and his health quickly began to decline. He continued touring until he gave his final concert, a benefit for the Grand Theater in Salem, Oregon, on October 6, 1989. In early 1990, poor health forced him to check into Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. On February 24, 1990, he died of liver failure at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles. He is buried at Hopewell Cemetery near Hopewell, ...

Two very short Johnnie Ray (diplomatic, classy) interview clips...near the end of the second one seems (to me) a man close to coming out of his closet, on camera,

What's My Line? - Johnnie Ray; Ozzie Nelson [panel]; Janet Blair [panel] (Jun 9, 1957)
« Last Edit: July 24, 2019, 05:36:48 AM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Mark A. Oblazney

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In the recently resurrected Kilgallen thread, I proved Kilgallen "biographer" Lee Israel, had crapped all over Simkin's forum. (If the poster Simkin introduced as Lee Israel, was in fact, Lee Israel!)
My warnings were ignored, at the time in 2012, and since, despite Lee Israel's exposure as a criminal forger. There is no policy at that
forum or the Spartacus biography pages to update or to disclaim. The result is nurturing of suspicion by misinfo. The stated goal is steady turn out of new Spartacus pages.... content to attract eyeballs at the expense of accuracy. Penn Jones was motivated to create and sell content via his local newspaper and book authorship BUSINESSES. The result of both of these prolific authors of successive generations is evident in every CT oriented forum and website. ( recently featured misinfo presented by author Peter Janney...)

I have volunteered as a moderator of comments submitted to both the Simkin and the forums. I got "sucked in" late, not until 2008.
My firsthand experience included being old enough to react to assassin Ruby, on the 24th, with profound concern. My only bias beyond that was the emotional shred from seeing JFK in person in 1962, riding by in an open car illuminated by a brilliant autumn sunset. It was not hard to plug that memory into the nightmare visuals of the Z film, a year later. When you are on the cusp of teenhood, a year is more like a decade seems, in the current stage of life. Almost five years passed; the losses of RFK and MLK, Jr descended in quick succession. Resistance to the war detoured me until 1977. Career and family life delivered me finally into the lap of the affordable PC, dial-up modem, gopher, Alta Vista, Lycos, and Excite search portals. 2008 and yet another election hinging on the outcome of illegal, avoidable war. An article was published, titled "Mr. Obama's Neighborhood".
Quite familiar with General Dynamics, I was entirely unfamiliar with Lester or his father, Henry.

I dove in, probably much too deeply, in hindsight. In 1957, Earl Warren's daughter, Virginia, was associated closely enough with dramatically older (than her) Henry Crown partner, Conrad Hilton, there was speculation in print that marriage was looming. A year later, Virginia married the middleaged host of "What's My Line" John C Daly.

A Simkin authored excerpt.: (preceded by a section with an emphasis on sexual themed gossip about DC pols generally and JFK particularly.)

This is sourced from a directly competing business (5 - NY Post quote) of the business Dorothy worked for.....VS
Two very short Johnnie Ray (diplomatic, classy) interview clips...near the end of the second one seems (to me) a man close to coming out of his closet, on camera,

What's My Line? - Johnnie Ray; Ozzie Nelson [panel]; Janet Blair [panel] (Jun 9, 1957)

Oh, Henry !!

Offline Tom Scully

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John Simkin  Posted October 2, 2012

On 9/30/2012 at 4:47 AM, Tom Scully said:
I believe strongly that assassination related articles/pages on the wikipedia site and on John's Spartacus site should be reviewed and edited in preparation for heightened interest in the 50th anniversary year commencing as early as this coming 22 November, little more than 50 days from now.

I've wondered why more of what is posted in these threads does not appear in revisions of related Spartacus pages and I believe it is mostly because John's focus is on creating new articles.
In a few days time I plan to publish a series of e-books. This will include the title, “The Assassination of John F. Kennedy”. The book will be made up of my current website pages plus a few extras. This will enable students and researchers to study the subject offline. Unlike with traditional books, it is now possible to publish new editions immediately without extra costs. I therefore plan to publish a revised edition in time for the Christmas market.

The JFK assassination section is only a small part of my website. The Spartacus Educational Encyclopaedia has over 11,000 articles (apparently this is the word count of 23 copies of “War and Peace”). It has not been possible to keep my pages updated with the latest evidence. As people like Greg Parker have pointed out, I have not always kept to my intentions of providing in one place the different interpretations of people and events. Although I have expressed strong opinions about the case on the Forum I have tried on the website to provide a balanced view (as an historian I am aware that complete objectivity is not possible).

Over the next couple of months I am giving members the opportunity to suggest changes to the content of my web pages. This is quite an undertaking and therefore I would like your emails to take the following format:

(1) URL, for example:

(2) A brief description of why you think the page needs changing.

(3) Number the paragraph and provide the suggested edit or write the paragraph that should be added. This will be more acceptable if you include a quotation, for example: Larry Hancock has argued in his book, Nexus: The CIA and Political Assassination (2011), that “….”

(4) I will be more sympathetic to adding additional interpretations than in removing interpretations that you disapprove of.

(5) You are also free to provide additions to the sources section.

I will notify the member by email if and when the page has been updated. This will be the page that will appear in the new edition of the ebook.

Seven years have passed. Is this frozen information source better than nothing? Of course! But, what kind of standard is that? People post as if the Simkin content, and still, Penn Jones authored 50 year old books and newsletters, all were gospel. Assumptions are difficult things to overcome with more recent, more reliable research results.

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Tom Scully

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Question for Bill Brown.:

Removing your Sandinista (sourced from Carol Hewett as retold by DiEugenio or perhaps Bill Kelly?  ) suspicions,
This is what remains. (quoted below):

....I shared the following details with Jim DiEugenio on November 15, 2015. It appears since then DiEugenio preferred to keep you from awareness of these facts.
Could it be because these facts are less prejudicial to Ruth Paine's rep?....
« Last Edit: July 26, 2019, 04:05:09 AM by Tom Scully »

Offline Michael Clark

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I have to believe that Simkin would appreciate critical review of his entries; it may be what it is all about. Would he change and update his entries if he could copy and paste a suitable replacement? I think so. He is indefatigable in his pursuits. He has created a vast archive of information, that is . There is no way that he can amend it all. I am thinking that you have a great distaste, possibly rightfully (I don’t know the details), but perhaps you could take a risk at being really big, offering your best revision of some element of that catalog. You may find yourself refreshed, and perhaps an amendation with fortuitous results might arise.

I am sure that he lacks time to look back. One of the most important things that could happen at the EF, IMHO, is that all of his Spartacus Scoolnet links could be fixed. It would be huge for him and the forum; but it doesn’t get done, almost certainly for lack of time.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2019, 04:22:34 AM by Michael Clark »

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Tom Scully

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I lost your optimism a long time ago. He had an opportunity, well before the 50th anniv., but he did and does consider constructive criticism to be personal attack,  even when it came from one of his own moderators (me), and later, from his friend and forum admin. (Gary)

John Simkin    Posted October 8, 2012
Greg Parker and Tom Scully have both made recent attacks on me for not being more critical of journalists or reporters who have written about JFK's relationship with women. For example, C. David Heymann. I have also been criticised for accepting Peter Janney's account of JFK's relationship with Mary Pinchot Meyer. Although I am not willing to remove these claims I am willing to add to these pages alternative points of view so the reader can make up their own mind.

If people send me their "edits" I suggest that they also post them on the Forum so they can see what I do and do not accept.


Tom S. March 3, 2016 at 12:38 am
Ronnie, imagine trying to moderate this person’s posts, when the site’s owner is supporting him, and not you, the moderator
the site owner appointed
to support the site’s rule of keeping the posted content suitable for reading by school children.:

Gary Loughran – (forum administrator as he posted this….”guest”, days later) Posted 18 June 2013 – 08:32 PM
Oh groan. Here John goes again…
You falsely accused Tom Scully and compounded, not lessened, that accusation recently by highlighting the text you originally read from incorrectly. (see )
I am a great believer in values John, more than you appear to understand. I am not a xxxx, I am not a cheat and I have never stolen.

Your rationale for removing Tom and Jim was not driven by good values, nor, more obviously, is your support of Robert Morrow. You have always made very personal choices driven by values I haven’t yet worked out. Perhaps that is what ‘old fashioned values’ really are…

The situation and outcome presented above was a direct result of objections to learning verifiable facts because the facts conflicted with personal relationships dynamics.

And... if you accept Simkin's later claim that his emphasis was on maintaining a cordial, inviting atmosphere for prominent book authors, i.e., the experts, I have a bridge to sell that you absolutely must consider buying!

Nina Burleigh   Posted August 19, 2005
John Simkin said:
(5) What do you make of this passage in C. David Heymann’s book, The Georgetown Ladies' Social Club (2003)

Asked to comment on the case, by the current author (C. David Heymann), Cord Meyer held court at the beginning of February 2001 - six weeks before his death - in the barren dining room of a Washington nursing home. Propped up in a chair, his glass eye bulging, he struggled to hold his head aloft. Although he was no longer able to read, the nurses supplied him with a daily copy of The Washington Post, which he carried with him wherever he went. "My father died of a heart attack the same year Mary was killed , " he whispered. "It was a bad time." And what could he say about Mary Meyer? Who had committed such a heinous crime? "The same sons of As I was walking a' alane, I heard twa corbies makin' a mane. The tane untae the tither did say, Whaur sail we gang and dine the day, O. Whaur sail we gang and dine the day?  It's in ahint yon auld fail dyke I wot there lies a new slain knight; And naebody kens that he lies there But his hawk and his hound, and his lady fair, O. But his hawk and his hound, and his lady fair.  His hound is to the hunting gane His hawk to fetch the wild-fowl hame, His lady ta'en anither mate, So we may mak' our dinner swate, O. So we may mak' our dinner swate.  Ye'll sit on his white hause-bane, And I'll pike oot his bonny blue e'en Wi' ae lock o' his gowden hair We'll theek oor nest when it grows bare, O. We'll theek oor nest when it grows bare.  There's mony a ane for him maks mane But nane sail ken whaur he is gane O'er his white banes when they are bare The wind sail blaw for evermair, O. The wind sail blaw for evermair.'es," he hissed, "that killed John F. Kennedy."

Absolute utter hogwash. Cord Meyer was apparently enraged at my well-researched book, and I cannot believe he would sit down with Heymann, no matter how near death.

At the end of his life, Cord had a very disfigured visage from mouth and jaw cancer - you would think Heymann would have mentioned that fact if he had seen him in the flesh.

John Simkin  Posted November 7, 2011

One of the important aspects of this book is that it will show that Nina Burleigh's book on the subject, "A Very Private Woman: The Life and Unsolved Murder of Presidential Mistress Mary Meyer" (1998) was a CIA limited hangout.

Here is an excerpt from the second, (Autumn, 2013) face saving, edition of the book Simkin was touting.:

Mary's Mosaic: The CIA Conspiracy to Murder John F. Kennedy, Mary ...
Peter Janney - 2013 - ‎History

Discussing his critical post of Mary's Mosaic in an email to a University of Georgia law professor, Scully identified himself as “a moderator at the Internet forum, ...

Author Janney sidekick, Doug Horne, wrote a glowing Amazon review of Janney's book. In the second page of comments in reaction to my FACTS SUPPORTED, negative Amazon review (August, 2012) Horne resorted to shooting the messenger.:

« Last Edit: July 26, 2019, 07:01:08 AM by Tom Scully »

Offline Michael Clark

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I lost your optimism a long time ago. He had an opportunity, well before the 50th anniv., but he did and does consider constructive criticism to be personal attack,  even when it came from one of his own moderators (me), and later, from his friend and forum admin. (Gary)

The situation and outcome presented above was a direct result of objections to learning verifiable facts because the facts conflicted with personal relationships dynamics.

And... if you accept Simkin's later claim that his emphasis was on maintaining a cordial, inviting atmosphere for prominent book authors, i.e., the experts, I have a bridge to sell that you absolutely must consider buying!

Absolute utter hogwash. Cord Meyer was apparently enraged at my well-researched book, and I cannot believe he would sit down with Heymann, no matter how near death.

At the end of his life, Cord had a very disfigured visage from mouth and jaw cancer - you would think Heymann would have mentioned that fact if he had seen him in the flesh.

Here is an excerpt from the second, (Autumn, 2013) face saving, edition of the book Simkin was touting.:

Acknowledged. My comment about being big had no basis or reference to Simkins contrary characterization. I had never seen it or have no recollection os having seen it.

Offline Tom Scully

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Acknowledged. My comment about being big had no basis or reference to Simkins contrary characterization. I had never seen it or have no recollection os having seen it.

Of course, Michael, I took for granted you were unaware. I hope I have presented a fair presentation of what happened when self importance influenced by a taste of celebrity and some cash benefit resulting from publishing reacts to the proverbial nobody posting from a bed in his mother's basement, so to speak.

From Oct., 2015 to Aug., 2016, every reader comment appearing at was read and approved by me. I got an even better appreciation for the fallout caused by sloppily written, CT authors. I corrected comments after approving them intact and then replying to them. Needless to say, the reaction, according to Jeff Morley when he suddenly ushered me out in August, 2016, was that visitor traffic had dropped by some undisclosed degree. Actual facts do not attract to the same degree sloppily documented or long assumed to be accurate, LORE attracts.

When I found appreciable comment submission under many names originating from just a few IP#s linked to Toronto, CA, I informed all readers who might be interested, which past comment strings were infected/distorted. The trolls were debating each other and generating artificial visitor stats, but probably not to a relevant extent.

(It is always about the Benjamins, sad to say....)

Michael, Larry Hancock and Denis Morisette are your friends.... judging from how they present. I advise  this despite my deep discomfort with the cooperation Larry and Rex have offered to the Boston hedge fund millionaire (a now dormant EF poster, first name, Oliver) (introduced to Mary by her friend, the late Robert Chapman) who bought the maryferrell archive (and Rex) and who sponsors the web services resulting in the existence of the website, but all of that is for another day.... I have a bigger mouth than most because I have no rep. or commercial interest or salary from that millionaire, to protect, first and foremost. Once in awhile, I help Mom change the sheets on my wellworn bed!

(My research resulted in the fact that Oliver's dad was prominent in the Kodak film research lab by the early 1960s and was very close (at least in 1963, he was) to a claymation pioneer, FWIW...)
The VC Way: Investment Secrets from the Wizards of Venture Capital
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They've always been inefficient," says Curme, though he nevertheless gives ... Besides, his own dad worked for thirty-five years in research for Eastman Kodak....
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With the exception of experimental efforts by Leonard Tregillus in the 1940s, and the emergence of Art Clokey's 'Gumby' in the earlydays of American television,it was not until Will Vinton's Oscarwinning Closed Mondays (1974) and the
« Last Edit: July 26, 2019, 07:08:20 AM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum