Thomas, Don’t you get that When it comes to dealing with you, I don’t answer questions, I ask them? Don’t you see that you have set-up this game? Do you think anyone should answer your endless, inane questions, when you answer none?
Edit: Please freshen my memory -- What specific questions about Nosenko and/or the other KGB/GRU false defectors and triple-agents would you like to ask me?
Edit: What specific questions of yours have I refused to answer? (That sounds like a spurious accusation on your part, but maybe I've forgotten or overlooked something.)
How can you ask your questions (what questions?) in good faith, and continue to post your
de facto KGB-approved articles and "documents," when you realize (as you must surely realize by now) that you neither know what the heck you're talking about nor what you're (unwittingly I'm pretty sure) propagandizing for?
Statement: If you don't
answer questions but only
ask them, doesn't that mark you as a "newbie," a stigma that you tried to disassociate yourself from as quickly as possible at the EF about two years ago?
Question: How do you reconcile, in your own mind, Bagley's, Newman's and Scott's "take" on Nosenko with your own (evidently ongoing) overall hatred/despising/disbelieving of Bagley and anything CIA (other than Kovich, Kisevalter, McCoy, Hart, Solie, Cram, Colby, Agee, and their ilk, of course)?
Question: If you aren't willing to answer my questions, why, then, do you keep chiming in on my threads and replying to my posts in others?
To ask questions? (What questions?)
To demand that I refute something that some spiteful and/or under-endowed CIA officer wrote at least 20 years before Bagley's
Spy Wars was published?
To "educate" newbies before I have a chance to "get to" them with my sharing of evil, evil, evil Bagley-and-Angleton's "world view"?
Why in the world should I knock myself out doing that,
when you can find the same darn answers I would give you in "Spy Wars," the 2007 book written by the first guy to interview "walk in" Nosenko in Geneva in 1962 (before probable mole and fluent Russian speaker George Kisevalter barged in to "help" Bagley, even though Golitsyn spoke good English, Bagley understood Russian, and they could communicate with each other just fine), who continued interviewing Nosenko for about five days in Geneva, who later became chief of Soviet Russia Division's Counterintelligence Section, and who not only met with and helped Nosenko "defect" to the U.S. in January 1964, but interrogated (without torturing -- sorry) Nosenko for three years in the U.S., who was,
importantly given access to Golitsyn's top-secret file by none other than James Angleton, and who,
most importantly,
was smart enough and experienced enough to realize, upon reading said file, that there was something very fishy, indeed, about Nosenko's strangely Golitsyn-overlapping but Golitsyn-contradicting ... narrative?I'm talking about Tennent H. Bagley, of course. His book 2007 book
Spy Wars is very detailed and very well annotated and sourced, so I'm sure that it can answer all of your questions to your probable dissatisfaction, and do so even better than I could -- even though my answers would be based 100 per cent on his book.
-- MWT

PS PDS's grudging "confession" come at 34:48, iirc.
PPS The sixty-four thousand dollar question: Why the heck should I continue to even communicate with you, knowing, from past experience, that the wisdom and knowledge I try to impart to you more than likely will go "in one ear and out the other"?
That is if it even
gets that far.