Hours ago, on another forum, John Kozlowski posted:
Donald O. Norton....Are there any pics of him from around the time Mae Brussell and John Judge met him?
John, I noticed you when you posted (weeks ago) on the Ed Forum that you read your first JFK Assassination book at the age of 9. You are precisely the ingredient in short supply, "new blood," as the old guard ages and passes on.
Donald Norton - Harvey and Lee
.....All of my materials related to Donald O. Norton and Donald P. Norton are in the Baylor collection and available to anyone and everyone. I encourage people to learn more about Donald O. Norton, his wife Lexie, and his children. The 55th reunion of Norton's Stowe high school senior class is coming up in a few years (2021). It would be interesting to attend and ask 1966 classmates about Donald Norton--his height/eye color/hair color, if Norton entered the military after high school, if anyone saw him after high school, knew of his whereabouts, or if he ever attended any class reunion. Hopefully, someday, we may learn the truth about the man who introduced himself to John Judge and Mae Brussel as Donald Norton.
I discovered this three weeks ago and posted it on another forum on July 28th. Despite 1100 page views of that thread since then, save for
one reply, quoted below, no interest has been shown, presumably because
there is such high regard for Armstrong as interpreted by Hargrove and Josephs.... (confirmation bias induced disinterest?)
Norton's nickname is "red". He used it as the name of his fishing products and services business.
Page A9, right side.: (Stable family history for an admitted (Mae Brussell to John Judge, in 1972) Oswald doppelganger, (except for a second bankruptcy filed in 1990s and up to 30+ address changes.)
Published 14 February, 2019:

BTW, only one individual, a knowledgeable one and a contemporary of Norton's wife from her high school days, responded
to my presentation of my discovery.:
07-29-2019, 04:35 PM #30 Ray Kovach
Default Nice photos Mr. Scully
That pic of Lexie (with her husband Don) is exactly how I remember her from the 60s. She was this tall, statuesque young woman with legs right up to her neck that twirled batons with the band during half time of the high school football games. She hung out with my sister and her friends at our house a few times back then.
The pictures previously posted by others of Don's son are so eerily resembling Lee Oswald. He looks more like Lee Oswald than he does his own father.
While almost all the boys drafted from NE Ohio had to serve in Vietnam back then, a select few got sent to other places. Turns out they either had special skills or talents (electronics or some other specialty) or were deemed as good prospects for intelligence work. Those that got sent to Europe from here were trained in West Germany largely and only now are opening up about their training and experiences. (They are old men who kept it quiet all their lives, and now are feeling "screw it!") Donald O. Norton was sent to South Korea. Didn't Richard Case Nagell have quite a bit to say about that place? Unless Donald O. Norton wants to tell his story, we will never know. John Armstrong has pointed out some very curious things about his life. The man has led an interesting one. That's for sure. Everyone that was willing to speak with me said he was a different cat. Not cut from the same cloth. But he deserves his privacy. I refused to invade it. Sometimes we should let old dogs lie. If they feel like talking, good. Sometimes they don't, and never will. Glad I never lived in that world.
Still liked that photo of Lexie, Mr. Scully