After having thought about your Olive Garden example for a few more minutes....I'd say:
The radio station was definitely wrong to fire me for merely expressing my opinion about the bad experience I had at the OG restaurant. It's not a valid reason for firing a disc jockey (IMO). Not nearly valid enough. Again----it's Free Speech. As long as I didn't get TOO severe in my OG criticism (such as threatening to kill the lousy waitress or blow up the building), I'd say that my on-air criticism of the Olive Garden Restaurant located at 10206 North Michigan Road in Carmel, Indiana, would not be enough of a reason to fire me from the radio station (where I had been employed since 1971, btw).
Do you think my negative comments about a restaurant were the FIRST TIME in the radio station's history that an on-air personality went "off script" and said something of a "Negative" nature about a restaurant or another person or a Government or an automobile manufacturer or anything else? Come now, my good man. Let's get real.
Tomorrow (if I'm re-hired at the station), I'm going to bash O.J. Simpson, because I think he was a murderer. Will I be fired for a second time for expressing another of my opinions?

Here we go out of context
you turned bashing into merely expressing an opinion - not what I'm talking about
we are talking about bashing, what did you say about the EF moderator? -